Java Transaction API

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“Java Transaction API frequently Asked Questions in various Java transaction API job Interviews by interviewer. The set of Java Transaction API interview questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer to the interview questions posed to you. Get preparation of Java Transaction API job interview”

12 Java Transaction API Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is Programmatic Demarcation?

Programmatic Demarcation can also called as Bean-Managed Transaction. The bean code that demarcates using the javax.transaction.UserTransactijon interface.


2⟩ Explain the transactional attribute NotSupported?

NotSupported: At the time of enterprise bean access a resource manager with or without the support of the external transaction coordination or not supported by the J2EE product, the NotSupported attribute is used.


3⟩ What is Declarative Demarcation?

Declarative transaction demarcation is also known as Container-Managed Transaction. The container demarcates different transactions as per the requirements specified by the application assembler in deployment descriptor. These instructions are called as transaction attributes.


4⟩ Explain the transactional attribute Bean-managed?

Bean-managed: Bean-managed transactions include any stateful or stateless session beans with a transaction-type set to Bean. The bean specifies the transaction demarcations using the javax.transactin.UserTransaction interface.


6⟩ Have you any idea that what is bean managed transaction?

A bean managed transaction is an explicitly bounded for a specific transaction that is handled by a bean. The bean managed transaction is considered , in a situation as container-managed transaction has a limitation. The limitation is , the association with a specific / several transactions is not certain and it is difficult to make coding the bean. In this specific circumstance, the bean managed transaction yields good results.


7⟩ What you know about Java Transaction API (JTA)?

Java Transaction API is a standard between the transaction manager and the entities participated in the distributed transaction system. These entities are transaction manager, the application server and transactional applications. JTA allows the applications to perform distributed transactions between one or more systems connected to the network. The database access power is greatly increased by supporting JTA in a JDBC driver.

The resource manager can be viewed as a RDBMS. This component handles the actual database management. The communication channel is the resource adapter which is a JDBC driver. For a specific enterprise database, the resource manager local transaction is performed for a single transaction.


8⟩ Can you please explain demarcation and types of demarcation, declarative and programmatic demarcation?

Demarcation specifies a limit for a bean managed transaction, i.e. once a transaction begins, it ends with either commit or abort the key points of who issues begin and who issues commit or abort is called demarcating transactional boundaries.

Declarative Demarcation

Declarative transaction demarcation is also known as Container-Managed Transaction. The container demarcates different transactions as per the requirements specified by the application assembler in deployment descriptor. These instructions are called as transaction attributes.

Programmatic Demarcation

Programmatic Demarcation can also be called as Bean-Managed Transaction, the bean code that demarcates using the javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface.

The resources are accessed between javax.transaction.UserTransaction.begin() and javax.transaction.UserTransaction.commit(). This access makes the part of the transaction. The resource and resource manager declared in the deployment descriptor.


10⟩ Explain the transactional attribute Required?

Required: This is the default transaction attribute that ensures the methods are invoked within Java Transaction API transaction context. Required makes the transactional context used by the bean. If not the new context will be created.