⟩ What is Programmatic Demarcation?
Programmatic Demarcation can also called as Bean-Managed Transaction. The bean code that demarcates using the javax.transaction.UserTransactijon interface.
Programmatic Demarcation can also called as Bean-Managed Transaction. The bean code that demarcates using the javax.transaction.UserTransactijon interface.
What is B2E Portals?
What is B2B Portals?
Explain JBoss portal server features?
What is the concepts and capabilities of Portal Structure Markup Language, PSML?
Do you know a Portlet and explain its capabilities?
Do you know what is PortletContext interface?
Do you know the types of portals, Function-based portals and User-based portals?
Can you explain why we use portals?
What is Content Server in portal architecture?
What is Image Server in portal architecture?