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“Cameraman Frequently Asked Questions in various Camera Man job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

55 Cameraman Questions And Answers

21⟩ Why should we hire you as Cameraman?

The best way to answer this question is to discuss what you can do for the company. What do you bring to the table? What will you achieve if you were to be hired? This is an opportunity to sell yourself to the hiring manager.


22⟩ Please tell us what major challenges and problems did you face at your last position?

During my last position I was employed as a waiter in a pub, which faced me with challenges such as keeping up with demand when encountered with a busy lunchtime rush whilst being able to balance this with customer satisfaction, which of course is the most important thing for myself and the business. This experience has allowed me to develop my organisation skills and ability to individually and as a team work on a task.


23⟩ Explain me what Is Image Stabilisation?

Image stabilizing is simply a technique to reduce the blurring effects camera shake can have on an image. The image stabilizing is done automatically by the camera or lens.

Canon and Nikon prefer to put the image stabilizing technology in the lens rather than in the body of the camera, but other companies such as Sony place it into the camera body itself.

Currently there is no right or wrong, and it doesn't matter which one you buy. The only disadvantage of having it in the lens is that you often have to pay more money for the IS versions of the lens, for example canons L series lenses can often be $500 more expensive for the IS version.


24⟩ Explain me what Is a UV Filter?

A UV filter is a brilliant piece of kit, which is again often overlooked by beginners. What is does it simply protect the end of your lens from dirt, water and scratches. For a small investment you can help protect your expensive lens.

Like all glass, it's worth buying the best one you can, a cheaper unbranded one from eBay may, in fact, reduce the quality of the images which your camera can shoot. I would recommend a Hoya, Cokin or LEE filter as they are currently the best on the market.


26⟩ What is your greatest strength as Cameraman?

When answering questions about your strengths, focus on the abilities you have that are key to success in the job for which you're interviewing. Don't be too humble. It's important to make the hiring manager aware of your qualifications.


27⟩ What is your greatest weakness as Cameraman?

There are different ways to tackle questions about weaknesses. One is to turn a negative into a positive by sharing an example of how something you considered a weakness actually helped you on the job. The other is to speak about additional skills you now have because you worked on those that needed an upgrade.


31⟩ Please explain what is RAW?

RAW is another mode you can shoot in, rather than JPEG. RAW offers many advantages over JPEG; it records all the details for exposure, white balance and more. It makes it easier to edit the photo afterwards if you do need to change anything.


33⟩ Please tell us what are you passionate about?

What's most important to you? What do you love doing? The answers to this question don't have to be all bout work. The company is looking to determine if you're a well-rounded person, and what you enjoy doing outside of work can give them insight into the type of employee you'd be if you were hired.


34⟩ Tell me what Is a Macro Lens?

Put simply, macro photography is capturing a subject at life-size or larger. A macro lens helps us achieve this, and a photographer interested in flowers or insects might use one in order to pick up more detail than the human eye can normally see.


36⟩ Tell me do you collaborate well with second shooters or assistants?

Especially if you are negotiating freelance work, you should answer these photographer interview questions and answers in a way that makes you look flexible. Speak about how you work well on your own, but if the situation requires it, you are happy to call for backup. Still, be specific in your response. For instance, “I usually work alone to ensure consistency, but I have a few second shooters and assistants I call on when the project requires more hands.”


37⟩ Tell me what Is Digital Zoom?

A digital zoom is zooming in on a spot using software on the camera rather than using a lens. Often this makes the images very pixilated and there is a very noticeable loss of quality. Digital zoom tends to be found on compact cameras as they often do not have interchangeable lenses.


39⟩ What are your goals for the future as Cameraman?

When you respond to questions about your future goals, it's a good idea to mesh your objectives with what the company might offer as a career path. At the least, make sure your goals involve staying with this company for more than a short-term basis.