21⟩ Tell me what things are missing from a natural gas power plant to a coal power plant?
CHP & stock yard, crushers, coal conveyors, wet or dry ash disposal, ash slurry disposal units, ash pond, LDO HFO oil elevations.
“Boiler Operator based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Boiler Operator. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”
CHP & stock yard, crushers, coal conveyors, wet or dry ash disposal, ash slurry disposal units, ash pond, LDO HFO oil elevations.
If the airspeed is below that recommended for a windmilling start. FCOM 1 70.20.7
EPR, N1 and EGT. FCOM 1 70.20.1
Give an example about the toughest project of yours and tell all the positive things about it and explain how that helped you to overcome the difficulties.
It gave me a chance to use my knowledge from the level of education purpose into implementing for a practical use.
N2, N3, fuel flow, oil pressure, oil temperature, oil quantity and engine vibration. FCOM 1 70.20.1
I'm a good worker, fast learner, easy to work with and I'm an experience boiler operator.
Dual ignitors are always used for in flight starts. FCOM 1 70.20.8
Technical issues are very common in a plant, give an example from your past experience where you successfully managed to overcome a technical issue.
To avoid the transmission losses.
ENG THRUST (L or R). FCOM 1 70.20.16
A boiler feed pump takes away one third part of the energy generated by the power plant.
D. all of the above
Because it is pretty interesting.
A. True
If everything goes as planned.
C. steam space
This happens generally on every other day in this profession, but the key is not to stay back but move on. I will take some preventive measures to avoid loss of resources.
A. water passes through the tubes which are surrounded by flames and hot gases
Swithching from oil to propane.