Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Logic

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“AI Fuzzy Logic frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Logic. So get preparation for the AI Fuzzy Logic job interview”

22 Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Logic Questions And Answers

4⟩ Where do we implement Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Logic?

It's a multi valued logic.

In Boolean logic is two valued logic,where we will say

an element belongs to a set with membership 1, if it

doesn't belongs to the set then it's membership is 0.

Where as in fuzzy sets we say degree of membership

between 0 and 1.

For example,we have a set of men age.

In Boolean logic a person X aged 51 we will say x is old

and a person Y aged 49 we will say young.

In fuzzy logic we say X belongs to the old men set with a

membership of 0.51 and to young men set with a membership of


So Boolean logic is our Black&White TV where as Fuzzy logic

is Color TV Fuzzy logic is a Discrete spectrum of values.


5⟩ What is Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Logic?

Fuzzy logic is a form of many-valued logic; it deals with reasoning that is approximate rather than fixed and exact. In contrast with traditional logic theory, where binary sets have two-valued logic: true or false, fuzzy logic variables may have a truth value that ranges in degree between 0 and 1. Fuzzy logic has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth, where the truth value may range between completely true and completely false. Furthermore, when linguistic variables are used, these degrees may be managed by specific functions.


10⟩ Fuzzy logic is usually represented as a) IF-THEN-ELSE rules b) IF-THEN rules c) Both a & b d) None of the mentioned

b) IF-THEN rules

Explanation: Fuzzy set theory defines fuzzy operators on fuzzy sets. The problem in applying this is that the appropriate fuzzy operator may not be known. For this reason, fuzzy logic usually uses IF-THEN rules, or constructs that are equivalent, such as fuzzy associative matrices.

Rules are usually expressed in the form:

IF variable IS property THEN action