Vendor Managed Inventory Coordinator

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“Vendor Managed Inventory Coordinator related Frequently Asked Questions in various Vendor Managed Inventory Coordinator job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

63 Vendor Managed Inventory Coordinator Questions And Answers

61⟩ How do you control big changes to your project?

At any point in time there are multiple tasks and issues to tackle for a project manager. To be successful, the project manager has to choose his battles wisely. Also, resources available for the project are always limited, and need to be utilized in a wise manner. That is prioritization in action. Time is a valuable resource for the project because once lost it cannot be recovered easily. As a result, Time Management is one of the key skills for a project manager. The Project Manager is responsible for creating efficient ways to execute tasks.


62⟩ Tell me how do you motivate team members who are burned out, or bored?

A bored team member is simply not challenged enough. They are being satiated (doing a task for too long of a period of time). In this case, switch tasks for a short period of time or pair them up with another team member to shorten the boring task. See if it's possible to give them more challenging work if they complete the boring task first.


63⟩ Explain how do you handle changes to requirements?

Your logical-thinking skills are being put to the test with this question. As you answer, highlight how you thoughtfully respond to changing situations.

One potential response is something along the lines of, "First, I prioritize the changes to requirements, scope of changes and the impact analysis to the project. Next, I perform an impact analysis to the project cost, timeline and resources. Finally, I evaluate whether the scope change is introducing new gaps to the technical or functional designs or development and testing."