Virtual Assistant

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“Virtual Assistant related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Virtual Assistant. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

36 Virtual Assistant Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me how long have you worked as a Virtual Assistant?

Immediately you can gage the experience this VA has. Have they set up their own VA business rather than simply freelancing? If so, they will understand your needs not only from an assistant’s perspective, but from a business point of view as well.


3⟩ Tell us what methods do you prefer for communication?

This question is about making sure your work styles are aligned. Are you tied to your email all day? Or do you prefer to text while on the go? Do you like talking face-to-face over Skype or Google Hangouts? The ideal candidate will be comfortable communicating with you through the channels you use most naturally.


4⟩ Please explain what timezone are you in and what hours are you available?

Because virtual assistants may be based anywhere in the world, it’s important to make sure you’re able to communicate. If you’re based in New York and your virtual assistant is in India, for instance, they may be almost 10 hours ahead of you. What matters is that you clearly establish their availability and your needs so that you can tell whether it’s a good match.


5⟩ Tell me do you have references I can contact?

While there are virtual assistants who have reviews and testimonials you can read on their blogs or website, it is still important to contact the applicant’s previous clients who can vouch for his professionalism so you can validate his claims. If there is any sign of hesitation on the applicant’s end when you ask this question, you might want to think twice before hiring that person.


6⟩ Tell me what are your working hours?

Knowing the best times and days you can contact your VA is essential to your business. As such, you should get the VA’s working hours and compare them to your requirements. And if you’re going to hire someone located on the other side of the world, be mindful of the time difference.


10⟩ Explain us about a professional setting you’ve worked in where people had different communication styles?

Whether or not you consider your company to be “corporate,” this question should give you insight into a candidate’s maturity, professionalism, and communication skills. Great candidates will have organizational experience, as well as a high level of comfort with different work and communication styles. For this reason, candidates with a few years of office experience tend to make more effective assistants than people right out of school.


12⟩ Tell me how many clients do you have?

The reason for asking this is just to ensure that they have enough time for you. The last thing you want is to find a fantastic VA who has 20 other clients without any support and is therefore difficult to get meet your deadlines.


14⟩ General Virtual Assistant Job Interview Questions

☛ Do you already have another job? If so, where are you working and how many hours are you working?

☛ How much money are you looking to make?

☛ Have you worked for foreign employers before?

☛ How long have you been doing (state type of work you’re hiring for) work?

☛ Please send me a link to your profile.

☛ Please send me three references and examples of your best work.

☛ Please write a paragraph of why I should hire you. Don’t send a list of your experience; describe it to me.

☛ When would you be available to start work?

☛ Do you have your own computer and Internet access? If you have access, how fast is your connection?

☛ Will you work from home or from an Internet café?

☛ Where are you in the Philippines?


17⟩ Tell me what is your hourly rate?

To make sure it’s not outside of your budget! If there is a pricing structure, make sure it’s clear so you know what you’ll be getting billed each week / month.


18⟩ Please explain a time you proactively addressed a client’s need?

This question is pretty open ended and good answers will vary depending on your business needs and the candidate’s specialties. Great examples include identifying and streamlining inefficient processes to cut down on meetings, or identifying more cost-effective vendors for particular goods or services. The best candidates won’t just solve problems when you assign them; they’ll be constantly looking for ways to streamline and improve your workflow to help you save time and money if possible.


19⟩ Difficult Virtual Assistant Job Interview Questions

☛ Why are you looking to leave your current job?

☛ What do you know about my organization?

☛ What are you looking for in a new role?

☛ What experience do you have in relation to what I do?

☛ Does your skill set meet my requirements?

☛ What have you done in the last 12 months to improve your skills?

☛ How long would you expect to work for me should you get the job?

☛ If I were to hire you today, what would make you an asset to me and my company?

☛ Tell me about yourself. What do you like to do on the weekends?


20⟩ Basic Virtual Assistant Job Interview Questions

☛ How long have you worked as a Virtual Assistant?

☛ What’s your background, experience and do you have a specific skill set?

☛ What are your strengths and weaknesses?

☛ How many clients do you have?

☛ What are your main communication methods?

☛ What do you enjoy the most about your work?

☛ How quickly do you usually respond to emails during your working hours?

☛ What security measures do you have in place?

☛ You have a deadline when your computer suddenly crashed. What would you do?

☛ What were some of the trainings you’ve had that make you good at ______ (name specific skill/skills you are looking for)?