
Question and Answer:

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⟩ General Virtual Assistant Job Interview Questions

☛ Do you already have another job? If so, where are you working and how many hours are you working?

☛ How much money are you looking to make?

☛ Have you worked for foreign employers before?

☛ How long have you been doing (state type of work you’re hiring for) work?

☛ Please send me a link to your profile.

☛ Please send me three references and examples of your best work.

☛ Please write a paragraph of why I should hire you. Don’t send a list of your experience; describe it to me.

☛ When would you be available to start work?

☛ Do you have your own computer and Internet access? If you have access, how fast is your connection?

☛ Will you work from home or from an Internet café?

☛ Where are you in the Philippines?


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