Banquet Manager

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“Banquet Manager Frequently Asked Questions in various Banquet Manager job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

40 Banquet Manager Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell us what duties have you performed in a banquet manager role previously?

As a banquet manager, I have been actively involved in creating food sales budgets, controlling banquet setups, scheduling reservations and managing food and beverage teams. Another tangent of the working as a banquet manager includes maintaining constant contact with clients to ensure that they are properly serviced and handling any banquet related complaints.


3⟩ Tell me why do you want a career as a banquet manager?

Like I said before, I really want to stay in the event industry. I was such a small part of someones wedding or celebration before - I think it could be equally beneficial for the two of us with my experience and the opportunities that await to be a great banquet manager.


4⟩ Why do you want to work for us as Banquet Manager?

Here, they just want to know how motivated you are about the position or if you are just there for the pay. They want to ascertain that you would form an important part of the company. You have to show them that you are willing to be part of the company and would do all you can to ensure you and the company grows together.


5⟩ What are your salary expectations as Banquet Manager?

Many consider this question to be a loaded gun – dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced. Often times, an interviewee will start talking salary before they’ve had an opportunity to illustrate their skill set and value making any sort of leverage valueless. Here, knowledge is power, as salary often comes down to negotiation. Do some research into your industry to establish base rates of pay based on seniority and demand but keep in mind – your employer is hiring you for what they believe you are worth, and how much benefit they feel you will provide.


7⟩ Why did you leave your last job as Banquet Manager?

This question needs to be answered very careful.

Better not to criticize your boss or former company because this might leave the impression they have a hostile you. Quite simply, they will sow the conviction that you are a person tongue lashing. You can tell them about your desire to look for the best opportunity, so leave your last job so give the same time to look for a new job without causing suffering former boss during this search. You can also be honest and tell them that he had been terminated your contract because the company re-established or re-construction of the administrative pyramid.


8⟩ Tell us what are the stronger your strengths as Banquet Manager?

This easy-to another question is raised consistently during interviews. You can talk about your features that will help ensure the job you are applying to. You should not distracted and kept on talking about the strengths that relate in some way to the job requirements. Prefer not to talk about the extent of your strength as an artist when applying for a job in the field of sales or marketing. However, it should not be a severe one bravado when talking about his strengths. If you talk about a particular point of strength, it is better to have some examples to support your words.


9⟩ I like what I’m hearing but we’ve got a ton of great candidates. Why should we hire you as Banquet Manager?

An easy question to answer well with one caveat – don’t slam your fellow interviewee’s. On the one hand, you have an opportunity to really stand out from the pack. Alternatively, You shouldn’t assume the skills of other applicants. Focus on your own strengths, and if the interviewer hasn’t given you an opportunity to mention that one “slam dunk” quality about yourself, now would be the time.

Is there a wrong way to answer this question? Consider the responses below:

☛ “I really need a job right now”

☛ “I need the money”

☛ “Your office is really close to my house”

☛ “I’ve always been interested in what you guys do”


11⟩ Tell us what are your goals for the future? Or Where do you see yourself five years from now?

It is one of the most common questions in job interviews. Media is not interested in knowing where the question will be literally but wished

In measuring your self-confidence and the extent of your ambition and your concentration and your ability to upgrade, all of this in one question., That an answer like, "I see myself in the position of executive director of the company" that could cause the same damage, but the other way because this may put you in the developed image of the amounts in the trust to the point madness. You will get you disqualified on the spot, and the reason is obvious. Instead, tell them you see yourself live up in the company, do you see yourself and your skills as a result of your efficiency at work and your achievement of the tasks entrusted have evolved on your shoulders. Let them know that you see yourself able to take on more responsibilities and to deal with the biggest tasks more efficiently. You can also


12⟩ Tell us what is your assessment of the success of the standards?

That contained the answer to any numbers will be disqualified on the spot, where it is said that the greater the value of the salary that you require greater the degree of disapproval from conducting the interview with you. This is because your feedback not only highlighted their passion towards the job, but as a person and vice versa show greed concerned only with money, even though it was through his betrayal of his company. Must fit your definition of success of the company in accordance with the definition should not appear in his self-interest or the hostile policy of the organization, which seeks to work out. It is possible that the answer that you measure your success extent of your ability to accomplish the goals of short and long-term tasks assigned to it.


13⟩ Tell us what is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackle it as Banquet Manager?

Any wedding that has had a time sensitive set-up. For example, we once brought the wrong colour of chair covers to a set up (the ivory and the white were so similar) and I couldn't live with myself if I would have just used what we had, so I just hopped in the car (with less than an hour to set-up and still 70 chair covers to set up) grabbed the chair covers, drove back and just in the nick of time we got everything done. Before deciding I was the one that was going to drive... I knew it would be best to go get the chair covers myself to avoid any phone call of "I can't find them".


14⟩ Tell us how do you keep staff members motivated?

Management job interview questions about motivating staff or delegating tasks are common in management interviews. When you answer them you should focus on communication and team building, “I do my best to show recognition and acknowledgement to all employees that meet goals, which keeps morale high and employees on task. Also, when applicable, I keep tasks interdependent within the team, so that staff members require and encourage fellow staff members to complete their work.”


15⟩ Top Job Interview Questions as Banquet Manager

☛ What do you think is the greatest challenge facing Assistant Banquet Manager today?

☛ What salary are you seeking?

☛ What were your starting and final levels of compensation?

☛ What steps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision?

☛ What kinds of things really get you excited?

☛ What are your long-term goals or Assistant Banquet Manager career plans?

☛ What motivates you to do a good job?

☛ What negative thing would your last boss say about you?

☛ What major challenges and problems did you face?

☛ What is the most difficult thing about working with you?

☛ How would your teacher or other Assistant Banquet Manager describe you?

☛ How would you describe your work style?

☛ How do you react to instruction and criticism?

☛ Tell me about your work experience? How has it prepared you for Assistant Banquet Manager job?

☛ How do you maintain a positive discussion?

☛ Who was your favorite manager and why?

☛ Give an example of risk that you had to take. Why did you decide to take the risk?

☛ Why did you select Assistant Banquet Manager as your profession?

☛ What is your biggest weakness?

☛ What do you know about our company?

☛ Why do you want to work with us?

☛ What can you do for us that other candidates can't?

☛ What do you like and dislike about the job we are discussing?

☛ What was the most complex assignment you have had?

☛ What do you feel is the best educational preparation for this career?

☛ What would make you happy in a job?

☛ What was the most important task you ever had?

☛ What were the responsibilities of your last position?

☛ What do you see yourself doing within the first days of this job?

☛ What type of work environment do you prefer?

☛ What's most important to you in a new position?

☛ When given an important assignment, how do you approach it?

☛ When were you most satisfied in your job?

☛ How would you describe your work style?

☛ When given an important assignment, how do you approach it?

☛ You have not done this sort of job before. How will you succeed?

☛ How have you changed in the last five years?

☛ What is the Hotel Assistant Banquet Manager company culture?

☛ Do you know what is a typical day of an employee working at Hotel Assistant Banquet Manager?

☛ Are there strict dress codes? Do people dress in casual (jeans and t-shirts), business casual (shirts), or business (suits)?

☛ Do employees get together for happy hours?

☛ What are career development opportunities at Hotel Assistant Banquet Manager?


16⟩ Tell us when delegating a recent assignment, describe how you showed your confidence in the person's ability to do the job?

In your interview answer focus on how you assign tasks and responsibility to the appropriate people, how you clarify exactly what is expected, communicate confidence and ensure adequate resources are available for successful completion of the task. Include follow-up procedures and setting deadlines.


17⟩ I don’t expect you to go into too much detail – but why are you leaving your last job as Banquet Manager?

An innocent question. But a question that if answered improperly, can be a deal breaker. While many individuals will be looking to a new job as a means of increasing their salary, “not being paid well enough at your last job” is not something you want to mention to your interviewer. After all, are you not likely to leave this particular job if you found you could make more down the street?

If you’re currently employed and leaving of your own accord, craft your response around enhancing your career development and a seeking out of new challenges.

If your current employer is downsizing, be honest about it, remain positive, but keep it brief. If your employer fired you or let you go for cause, be prepared to give a brief – but honest – reply. No matter how tempting it may be, or how “unfair it was that they let you go” steer clear away from any and all drama and negativity. Any experienced employer understands that sometimes things happen. Staying positive is key here.


18⟩ Please explain as far as the nitty gritty of banquet management is concerned, how do you intervene?

I try not to intervene too much into the work of the people I am supervising. At least, not visibly. However, I do get into the nitty gritty of things silently by inspecting table place settings such as linen, china, glass, silverware and condiments to ensure that each element is clean, undamaged and looks attractive the way they are placed.


19⟩ Explain me with examples, convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations and environments?

With working in the wedding industry for the past 7 years, I have learnt all about different people and cultures. Everyone is so different in how you can relate to them, so initial meetings I would quickly feel out my consultations... How can I relate to them so they feel comfortable to trust me. Some people liked the extremely professional touch, while others preferred to think of you as their wedding best friend that would not lead them astray. It's important to learn about your clientele, for example I did a fair amount of Jewish weddings. I knew nothing about Jewish weddings but I just researched and asked questions and now I know what a chuppah is, or shabbot dinner or why their weddings are only on a sunday. I guess it comes down to taking the time to learn about different people and using personal experience as a way to adapt.


20⟩ Please explain the position / functional problem and explain to us how you can handle it?

Be A Pro does not boast when your answer to this question and moved away from the exaggerated praise and glorify your role in this position because the interlocutor can pay attention to this. Despite the absence of the typical answer to this question, you can cure a cautious manner. Want such questions that the control on how to behave in the future if you encounter a problem, based on its judgment that the previous experiences. Start a clear explanation of the situation and the timing of its occurrence and then told them do your part in it (the solutions provided by to address the problem). Be sure to be positive and easy to understand your answer.