Customer Relationship Manager

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“Customer Relationship Manager(CRM) Frequently Asked Questions in various Customer Relationship Manager job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

62 Customer Relationship Manager Questions And Answers

21⟩ A customer is getting ready to cancel their services with your company. They're convinced that they don't need your services. How would you approach this scenario and try to retain the customer?

Having a senior management level sponsorship between the two companies from the very beginning always helps alleviate issues like this. It's normal to bend over backwards in such cases and offer price discounts, free training sessions, and complimentary consulting services to retain such accounts. It's important that you engage with both the top level and mid level management in such cases. This becomes a selling opportunity and not a retention opportunity. You'd need to resell the value of your product all over again. It's important to re-evaluate the problem points you're trying to solve, and then present the solution again. Identifying new sponsors within the customer account also helps.


22⟩ Tell me who is an Empowered Customer?

Today's customers are empowered. Empowered customers are those having the control to buy goods or services from a business when and where they want it, by selecting from a vast range of available choice. Empowered customers access the Internet and collect information about products, dealers, and prices. They take advice from friends or at times from strangers too, before making a buying decision.

By using various digital devices, they can find out the specifications of a product or service before arriving at buying decision. They are smart and alert buyers who also keep high expectations. When a business fulfills most of the expectations, the empowered customers can be loyal to them.

Let us analyze the phases a customer goes through when a business offers products/services to the customers.


23⟩ How would you grow your company's footprint at an existing customer who currently isn't giving as much revenue, but has a huge upside potential?

Such accounts have to be handled with Kid Gloves. Make sure this is a high touch account that's given highest levels of priority and only the best service. It's important to engage your champions and sponsors in helping you identify new champions. Encourage a peer-to-peer discussion to spread the word about your products and services within the extended groups. Frequently reach out to such new sponsors and restate the value proposition that the other groups are leveraging. Make your communications relevant for the audience and connect at a level that's most important to them.


24⟩ How do you retain a customer whose getting ready to leave you because of your price?

Such customers often demand an extremely low price for your products or services. A price which is possibly impossible to sell at. In such scenarios, it's always helpful to do an ROI analysis with the customer. They might spend only 50% of what they're spending now, by going to a competitor, but with that additional cost, you're providing XYZ services / features that no one else can, a dedicated and highly motivated customer support team which thrives on customer satisfaction, the confidence and guarantee of your time tested and proven solution that is COMPLETE in all respects, and the confidence that you'd come to their rescue ANYTIME they need help.

This answer can also be customized based on the specific industry in question.

It's important to remember that you may not always be able to retain a customer in such circumstances. However, never engage in an aggressive standoff, or bad mouth your competition. Hold your ground and trust your product. This customer will come back if you genuinely provide a superior solution.


25⟩ What is the most challenging situation you worked on and failed at?

This question is geared towards understanding the level of complexity that you can handle, or have handled in the past, and how you approach the problem. This becomes a 2-fold question because the interviewer inherently expects you to also talk about how you'd resolve the situation differently


26⟩ What is Customer-Related Database?

It is the collection of customer-related information focusing on historic sales, current opportunities, and future opportunities. These databases are maintained by a number of different functions such as sales managers, channel managers, product managers, etc. It can store information such as:

► Customer's personal information containing fields for name, address, contact details, contact preferences, age, marital status, birthdate, anniversary, professional and social status, etc.

► Sales managers can record past transactions, product preferences, opportunities, campaigns, enquiries, billing, etc.

► Channel managers can record business-owned retail outlets, online retail information.

► Product managers may record product preference, price band, product categories explored, etc.


27⟩ Explain Strategies for Customer Retention?

As the existing customers drive current business profitability, retaining them is vital for any business. Customer retention is the process of maintaining continuous trading relationship in long term. It can be achieved by the following strategies −

► Negative Strategies

The clauses of penalty, switching costs, and high exit costs make the customers feel trapped with the business. If the business enforces such strategies, it risks the reputation by customers' negative word-of-mouth.

► Positive Strategies

They help increasing customer delight by understanding customer requirements, meeting them, and providing little more beyond their expectation. Customers are delighted to do business with you when their perception is more than their expectation.


28⟩ Explain Customer Management Strategies?

There are seven core customer management strategies −

► Start a relationship − When a customer is identified as having a high potential to bring profits, start a relationship.

► Protect the relationship − When the customer is significant for the business and when there is a possibility of the competitor's attraction, then the managers need to protect the relationship.

► Relationship re-engineering − This is necessary when the managers find that the customer is not profitable as desired at the current stage. In such a case, serve the customer by low-cost automated channels.

► Enhance the relationship − The managers identify up-selling and cross-selling opportunities and try to boost the customer on the scale of value.

► Harvest the relationship − When the managers do not want to spend much on the existing customer development, they use the cash flow from these customers to develop new customers.

► End the relationship − It is good to end the relationship when the customer shows no sign of contributing to future business profit.

► Regain the customer − When the customer goes to the competitor while choosing another option to fulfill his requirement, then the managers need to implement win-back strategies to regain the customer and understand the reason of departing the customer.


29⟩ What are Value-Oriented Customers?

They always look for efficient and high-performing products, as they know that they are making a profitable deal for a long run. For them, paying a high initial cost is their long-term investment to enjoy its hassle-free benefits in future. They are satisfied customers. They often tend to maintain a healthy relationship with the suppliers.


30⟩ Explain Strategies for Customer Acquisition?

The new customers contribute to business growth and future profitability. Two types of customers can be acquired by a business −

► New customers (who never purchased any product from the business).

► Diverted customers (who left purchasing products or services form a business).


31⟩ What is Theory by North American School?

According to this theory, good relationships reduce costs significantly. Trust and commitment are vital attributes of a successful relationships. By connecting the trust to the commitment, this theory states that trust created on the basis of minimal functional conflicts, communication, non-opportunistic behavior, and cooperation. Commitment is linked to high relationship termination cost and relationship benefits.


32⟩ Before preparing for a presentation to a senior member at a customer, what are the most important things to keep in mind?

Here are a few things that are extremely critical for any RM or Account Manager to keep in mind before going in for such a presentation:

1. Be absolutely clear about the pain points that you're going to address.

2. Before getting deeper in to your presentation, get a sign off from the attendees on the agenda of the meeting.

3. Be thorough in your background research of the client. This research could vary based on the stage you're approaching them in.

4. Provide a crisp and clear solution, and leave them with specific action items at the end of the presentation. This ensures they come back to you and the engagement continues.

5. Don't give away all that you have in your bag right away. Weigh your answers and ask probing questions.


33⟩ What are my best resources for finding out more about CRM?

One resource I would recommend any company create for itself is a one- to two-page document that answers the best practice questions above and includes input from the team. Send it to five vendors your team has selected and go over the proposals to see which companies address you as a unique business - not just with a customizable offering but as a discrete business.


34⟩ How is CRM changing and what does the business owner need to be aware of?

At the heart of CRM is the benefit of having the customer record at the center of the data universe rather than multiple galaxies of transactions held in separate, transaction-specific apps. So the innovation lies in new and improved visibility for putting information to use in intelligent decision making. Companies that used to serve 100 are serving 10,000, and with this kind of scaling, better top-level tools and custom dashboards are where I see CRM continuing to morph and advance.


35⟩ A customer commits to an even greater business if you customize the solution completely based on their request. Would you do it?

A large part of this answer would have to be borrowed from above. Customizing a solution completely just for one customer doesn't make 100% business sense, especially if you're in a SaaS environment. You're in the business to provide an out-of-the-box solution, and the customization's wouldn't help any other customer in your kitty. This change may help you acquire this one large customer, but wouldn't fit in at all in to your long term product plans.


36⟩ What is Value through Marketing Mix?

The marketing force of a business combines various components of marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) together to create the best value for the customer. In case of services, as they are intangible unlike products, three more components are considered namely process, physical evidence, and people.

The marketing mix is planned such that is strikes a good balance among customer and business entities, to satisfy the both.


37⟩ Explain what is Customer Life Cycle?

Customer Life Cycle is used to describe the phases through a customer goes. Here are the important stages of a customer life cycle −

► Reaching − It is the phase where a business communicates with its target customer. It is mainly done through advertisements.

► Acquisition − Attracting and influencing the target customer. The marketing team decides the scope of the target audience and convinces the customers about the benefits of its products/services.

► Conversion − It is when customers decide to purchase a product or service.

► Retention − In addition to flawless products/services, the business offers some extra facilities to the customer such as priority treatment, beautiful store ambience, free parking, etc., to retain existing customers.

► Inspiration − To inspire a regular customer into a loyal one by establishing a sound relationship. When a business puts efforts on providing polite and quick service, personal attention from the staff, knowledgeable sales staff, then the customers are automatically inspired to buy a product/service from a particular vendor.

Customer Life Cycle

Let us now try to figure out what differentiates a customer from a consumer.


38⟩ What is Successful CRM?

Successful CRM is about competing in the relationship dimension. Not as an alternative to having a competitive product or reasonable price, but as a differentiator. If your competitors are doing the same thing as you are (as they generally are), product and price won't give you a long-term, sustainable competitive advantage. But if you can get an edge based on how customers feel about your company, it's a much stickier-sustainable-relationship over the long haul.


39⟩ Do you have a few key best practices someone considering CRM can use?

Yes, I have three that anyone can use. First, consider your future needs. Look down the road and ask "How many contacts will I have in five years?" "How many salespeople will I have?" "How many of my people will need real-time access to this information at home or on their phones and PDAs?" "How much would it cost me to replace these contacts?"

Second, take the opportunity to clean up your data now. Moving to a CRM solution is an opportunity to start with a clean version of accurate data. De-duplicate and otherwise scrub the data to minimize the possibility of needing to import twice. For example, the flexibility of Excel and Outlook BCM allow placing incorrectly formatted information in their fields. This data will not import well without some good planning.

Third, be sure to communicate throughout the process and get early buy-in. The biggest focus of with its customers is adoption. Members of your team are influencers in their departments. Leverage their expertise and influence by building a team to help you make decisions about the solution. Even if you disagree, listening, acknowledging, and respecting will build loyalty and acceptance within the process.


40⟩ Which Customers a Business Should Retain?

The cost of retaining highly committed customers is lesser than one required for retaining non-committed significant customers. The recently acquired customers are likely to deflect when a business fails to provide good service or product.

A business should retain the following customers −

► The ones satisfied with the product or service.

► The ones who can suggest product innovation.

► The ones who are value to the business and are capable of contributing to business profit.