Logistics Coordinator

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“Logistic Coordinator Frequently Asked Questions in various Logistics Coordinator job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

72 Logistics Coordinator Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me about your Logistics Coordinator skills?

This is a common question during an interview, possibly the most asked. It is used as an ice breaker, gets you talking about something comfortable, but you need to have something prepared for a response. However, you don't want it to sound memorized. The fact is, the interviewer isn't interested in your life story. Unless asked otherwise, focus on education, your career and present situations. You should work chronologically, starting as far back as possible and working until present.


2⟩ Do you have the five universal skills to be successful in a logistics-related position?

When it comes to getting a job, it's important to be able to at least somewhat expect what types of questions will be thrown at you. Employers look for candidates with a variety of skills, but you can almost depend on them to be looking for those who possess the following traits:

► People skills

► Analytical skills

► Communication skills

► Computer skills

► Flexibility


4⟩ Ask about your role, the company and their industry!

After doing as much research as you can about the company and carefully reading the job description, ask specific questions about the organisation and your role there. What's their vision for your position? Will it change and evolve over time? What are the company's goals? Asking industry-specific questions is good too, especially if you've read something topical in the news or if recent government legislation has affected the industry. This will show the interviewer that you're keen, have done your homework and are a go-getter. They're sure to be impressed.


5⟩ What is LTL (Less than truckload)?

LTL (Less than Truckload) shipment is a contract between the shipper and transport owner. According to the contract, instead of the entire truck, the shipment are priced according to the weight of the freight and mileage within designated lanes.


6⟩ Do you know what behavioral interview questions are, and can you answer them?

Behavioral interview questions are widely used by employers to gauge a candidate's leadership skills. For example, an employer might ask the following: "Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping skills." Working in logistics requires tremendous versatility and a can-do attitude, so be prepared to answer a few tough questions.


7⟩ Why do you believe we should hire you as Logistics Coordinator?

This question needs to be carefully answered as it is your opportunity to stick out from the rest of the applicants. You should focus on skills that you have, including those not yet mentioned. Simply responding "because I'm really good" or "I really need a job" isn't going to work. You shouldn't assume the skills of other applicants or their strengths, focus on yourself. Tell the interviewer why you are a good fit for the position, what makes you a good employee, and what you can provide the company. Keep it brief while highlighting achievements.


10⟩ What not to ask in Logistics Coordinator Interview?

Don't ask about your salary first up - wait for them to bring it up.

And don't ask for the same information that they've already provided on their website or in the job description, but ask for greater detail and elaboration.


11⟩ What do you see yourself doing in five years as Logistics Coordinator?

This is another question looking towards job commitment. Some people go through jobs like socks because they don't have a life plan, and your answer can show insight into this. It can also be used for finding out if you are the type that sets goals at all in life, because those that make long-term goals are usually more reliable. Also, your goals can provide insight on your personality too.

You should respond with an answer that shows progression in your career is on track with your route in the company. It's important to do your research on company prospects, this way you understand what to expect and if it's in your long-term goal. Interviewers don't want to set you on a path that won't provide the results you want, resulting in you resigning.


12⟩ Do you have work experience as Logistics Coordinator?

If you're a recent grad, this might be tough one, but not impossible. An internship provides you with the experience employers want, perhaps more importantly, you'll have an opportunity to network with other logisticians, perhaps securing a job after you graduate. It's important though to balance internships with work because generally work experience is more highly sought after.


13⟩ What do you consider to be your best weakness as Logistics Coordinator?

This can be a tricky question to respond to, if you suggest you have no weaknesses you're going to appear as a lair or egotistical. You should respond realistically by mentioning small work related weaknesses. Although many try to answer using a positive skill in disguise as a weakness, like "I expect co-workers to have the same commitment" or "I am a perfectionist". However, it is recommended that there is some honesty and the weaknesses are true, and then emphasize on how you have overcome it or working to improve it. The purpose of this question is to see how you view and evaluate yourself.


14⟩ Ask about what systems do they have in place?

Another question you could ask is about what kind of systems they have in place. If their present systems are inadequate, will it be your job to change or develop them? It's good to show the interviewer that you're proactive and have initiative, but you first have to determine if they're open to that. If you're someone who likes to implement change, you wouldn't want to work for an organisation that is change-averse and doesn't like to fix things that ain't broke.


15⟩ What are your salary expectations as Logistics Coordinator?

This question is like a loaded gun, tricky and dangerous if you're not sure what you are doing. It's not uncommon for people to end up talking salary before really selling their skills, but knowledge is power as this is a negotiation after all. Again, this is an area where doing your research will be helpful as you will have an understanding of average salary.

One approach is asking the interviewer about the salary range, but to avoid the question entirely, you can respond that money isn't a key factor and you're goal is to advance in your career. However, if you have a minimum figure in mind and you believe you're able to get it, you may find it worth trying.


16⟩ What is deadweight tonnage?

Deadweight tonnage is the difference between the laden and unladen weight of the ship. In other words, it is the weight of everything that ship carries except the ship itself.


17⟩ What do you consider to be your best strength as Logistics Coordinator?

This question allows you to brag on yourself, but keep in mind that the interviewer wants strengths relative to the position. For example, being a problem solver, a motivator, and being able to perform under pressure, positive attitude and loyal. You will also need examples that back your answers up for illustration of the skill.


18⟩ Why are you leaving last job as Logistics Coordinator?

Although this would seem like a simple question, it can easily become tricky. You shouldn't mention salary being a factor at this point. If you're currently employed, your response can focus on developing and expanding your career and even yourself. If you're current employer is downsizing, remain positive and brief. If your employer fired you, prepare a solid reason. Under no circumstance should you discuss any drama or negativity, always remain positive.


19⟩ What is the advice of shipment and advising bank?

• Advice of shipment: It is a notice sent to a foreign buyer or local trader informing them that the shipment has processed forward and carried information about packing, routing, etc. A copy of the invoice is often sent with it and if recommended a copy of landing also attached along with that.

• Advising Bank: Advising bank is a bank operating in the seller's country, that handles letters of credit in behalf of a foreign bank


20⟩ What experience do you have in this field or for logistic coordinator?

► Speak about specifics that relate to the position you are applying for. If you do not have specific experience, get as close as you can.

► If you are being asked this question from your employer then you can explain your experience. Tell the employer what responsibilities you were performing during your job. You can tell what programs you developed and what modules you worked on. What were your achievements regarding different programs.

► have been working with computers since 2001. I also have a degree in network support/computer repair. I have built my last 3 computers, have work with Dell as an employee. So I have around 15 years experience working with computers.