Record Manager

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“Record manager Frequently Asked Questions in various Record Manager job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

35 Record Manager Questions And Answers

1⟩ Explain me how Does Records Management Relate To The Data Protection Act?

The Data Protection Act applies to personal information relating to living individuals. The gathering, storage and processing of that data has to conform with a number of principles including its gathering and retention for specific purposes, the secure retention of the data, the ability to recover it when a Data Subject submits a request, and ensuring that it is kept for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it is held. Good records management policies and procedures will ensure that there is compliance with the Act.


4⟩ Tell us how Does Records Management Relate To The Freedom Of Information Act?

Poor records management is not of itself a breach of the Act, but the Act did stress that good records management is essential to the process of responding to requests. The Act sets out strict timetables for compliance with a request, so it makes sense to have systems in place that help to ensure such timetables are adhered to with minimum effort.

If the University fails to satisfy an enquiry either in what it supplies or how it deals with the enquirer, then appeals can be made to the Information Commissioner who can impose requirements on the University. Good records management will assist in avoiding such circumstances arising.


7⟩ Tell us what qualifies as a record?

In its simplest and most straightforward form, a record is data, information, knowledge, and/or expertise recorded or received in any medium because there is a chance it will be needed in the future, the disposition of which is determined by the organization’s approved record schedule.


9⟩ Explain me what do you think of management in general?

I strongly believe that managers have a responsibility to manage, to lead and to drive through the organisations goals and missions. They also have a responsibility to implement change within their team. A manager must be a positive role model and should always expect high standards from his or her staff. Although being a manager can be tough at times, it is also highly rewarding if done correctly. It is essential that a team believes in their manager manager’s aspirations and it is the manager’s responsibility to maintain levels of enthusiasm and motivation. This can be achieved by keeping regular contact with all team members and holding regular briefings and appraisals.


10⟩ Explain me why Is A Records Retention And Disposal Schedule Necessary?

A records Retention & Disposal Schedule is an essential component of an efficient and effective records management system. Properly developed and consistently implemented, a Records Retention & Disposal Schedule protects the interests of the organisation and its stakeholders by ensuring that business records are kept for as long as they are needed to meet operational needs and to comply with legal requirements, and are then disposed of securely.


11⟩ Do you know what Is A Record?

Records are the outputs that detail each and every business and administrative transaction of the University and contain information about our students, members of staff and all our external contacts. They are the essential resource for the University's effective continuation. They also form the University's collective memory that must be available beyond the memory or working life of any single member of staff.

A document in itself is a type of record, but so is the information that describes the document when it forms a separate entity. For example, an entry in a library catalogue (whether on card or in a computer database) which records the author, title and location of the book, is as much a record as the book itself.


13⟩ Do you know what is an organization’s record schedule?

A functional listing specifying different types of organizational records that must be retained and for how long. It is not the form in which the record exists that determined how long it must be retained, but the substance of that record’s content.


14⟩ Please explain why should a professional records manager understand and appreciate many of the details of the organization’s operations?

It is only with an understanding and appreciation of many of the details of the organization’s operations that a professional records manager can help the organization’s employees make the quality of the data, information, knowledge, and expertise in those records as accurate and as complete as possible. Further, with this knowledge of its operations, the records manager will likely spot potential trouble about which he or she can seek legal advice.


17⟩ Explain me how would your members of staff describe you?

My members of staff would say that I am an effective leader who injects enthusiasm and motivation in to the team. They would also say that I am results driven and that, whilst I am fair, I also expect a hard day’s work from everyone.


18⟩ Why should we hire you as Record Manager?

This is a very common question that is asked in almost every interview. I love this question because it gives you the opportunity to sell yourself. Discuss what makes you standout from the crowd and show them how you can help advance their company. Remember to be specific. This is where all the company research you have done comes into play. You should have an idea as to why the company is hiring or looking to hire someone for that position. What problem do they have that they are looking for people to help them solve? And once you can establish this, you are to show them how you can solve this problem for them.


19⟩ Explain me why Is Records Management Important?

Without institution-wide records management procedures, each College, School, Department or Unit of the University would continue to follow their own practices. Whilst each set of practices may seem to be based upon a common sense approach, an uncoordinated approach to managing the University's records could lead to:

☛ Failure to comply with legislation

☛ Risks to institutional accountability

☛ Inefficient use of staff time

☛ Poorly informed decision-making

☛ Loss of institutional memory

By following the procedures and guidelines issued centrally, the benefits likely to be achieved include the following:

☛ Needed documents and information can be easily accessible:

A standard method of describing and arranging records across the University will assist in document and information identification and retrieval for purposes from audits and legislative compliance, to reuse of management information.

☛ Reduced need for excessive equipment for storing records:

An appropriate Retention and Disposal Schedule will set out standard time periods for which University records should be retained. By destroying records no longer required, the need for equipment for the storage of paper or electronic records is reduced.

☛ The University's cultural history is safeguarded:

The Retention and Disposal schedules also enable vital records required for longer time periods, and those of archival value, to be identified and safeguarded.

☛ Increased productivity and reduced time spent searching for needed documents:

Administrative and clerical staff spend a significant amount of their time searching for information or documents created within their own office or elsewhere within the University and a clear set of RM procedures will improve the efficiency of that process.

Accountability throughout the Records Life Cycle:

Records testify to the authority behind the decision making processes of the University and provide audit trails when both internal and external audits are required.


20⟩ Top Record Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ What are the benefits of records management?

☛ What are the components of an effective records management program?

☛ What are the reasons for storing records off-site at a records warehouse?

☛ One reason is that warehouse space is cheaper than office space.

☛ Under what circumstances should records be microfilmed?

☛ Microfilm is used for records that are vital and require long term retention typically 10 or more years.

☛ What types of records would be ideal candidates for optical imaging?

☛ What is the purpose of a records retention schedule?

☛ What types of records would be considered as vital records for an organization?

☛ What are records?

☛ What are the legal implications associated with a records management program?

☛ What steps are involved in determining the retention period for records?

☛ Name the factors to consider in determing the appropriate retention period for records.

☛ Name the risks of having an ineffective records management program.

☛ What actions can you take to facilitate the retrieval of records?

☛ Tell us about your experience in managing off-site records storage?

☛ Have you managed off-site records storage or did you use a contract facility?

☛ What are the critical service requirements in using a contract facility for off-site records storage?