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“Audiologist related Frequently Asked Questions in various Audiologist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

73 Audiologist Questions And Answers

5⟩ What are triggers tinnitus?

☛ A buildup of earwax

☛ Taking too much of antibiotics

☛ Intake of too much of alcohol

☛ Eardrum rupture

☛ Dental or Temporomandibular problems

☛ Direct injuries to ear or head

☛ Injury to the ear due to radiation therapy

☛ Excessive dieting and weight loss

☛ Repeated exercise with the neck

☛ High blood pressure, Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurological disorder, etc.


6⟩ What is electrochleography test?

Electrochleography is an inner ear test that uses sound stimulation and the resulting electrical measurements. In this technique, fluid pressure inside inner ear is measured, excessive fluid pressure may cause hearing loss.


8⟩ Tell me what is conductive hearing losses? What causes such hearing impairment?

Hearing loss that is caused by a problem in the middle or external ear are called conductive hearing losses. Such difficulty in hearing occurs when problem lies in the conduction of sound to the cochlea.

The cause of such impairment is

☛ Excessive wax in the ear canal

☛ Fluid accumulated in the ear due to infection

☛ Discontinuity between the ossicles


12⟩ Explain when did you decide you wanted to be an audiologist?

I decided I wanted to be an audiologist very early on. Both my grandmother and mother have hearing loss and I made a promise to them to be able to help them with their communication and I know that becoming an audiologist will be one of the proudest moments in my life and I am hopeful that seal beach will be part of that.


14⟩ Situational Audiologist Interview Questions

☛ How would you handle an irate parent/teacher/principal?

☛ How would you manage a combative adult patient?

☛ Walk me through your process of giving initial exams to patients.

☛ With what assistive devices are you most familiar with?

☛ What hearing aid brands do you recommend for children?

☛ What is a comfortable caseload size for you?

☛ What are some references you recommend to your patients to learn more about hearing aids, cochlear implants, or other hearing assistance technology?

☛ What is your philosophy about the various communication approaches used by children who are deaf or hard of hearing?

☛ What tools do you use to ensure the hearing instruments are appropriately working for your patient?


15⟩ Explain how much money do Audiologists make?

The salary for audiologists varies by practice type, as well as geographic location. The average salary is around $73,000 per year, and private practice owners generally make more than non-owner audiologists. Audiologists can make over $100,000 depending on their experience and compensation package.