Dental Assistant

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“Dental Assistant Frequently Asked Questions in various Dental Assistant job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

50 Dental Assistant Questions And Answers

1⟩ What are your strengths as dental assistant?

I am highly dependable, efficient, quick learner and excellent at providing effective customer service. I have substantial knowledge and experience in 4 handed dentistry. I don't work for getting the job done, I work to get appreciated and that makes me work extraordinarily well.


3⟩ What initial procedures need to undertake when a patient is seated in front of the doctor as a dental assistant?

Adjust the seat for the patients, set up aprons, put a new glass of water, offer napkins, arranging special instruments (if required) and the medicines, taking and recording patient's blood pressure, etc. Hand in the patients file to the doctor and if the patient is not new, brief the doctor about the progress or the problems the patient is facing.


4⟩ Tell me how well you get along with other people?

Interpersonal skills are important for a dental assistant. Dental assistants are able to cooperate efficiently with the doctor and make the patient feel comfortable and safe while they prepare them for treatment or instruct them in dental matters.


5⟩ Define 4-handed dentistry?

A method in which a dental assistant works closely with the dentist on the procedures being done in the mouth of a patient. This method decreases fatigue and improves the success of dental procedures.


6⟩ What characteristic is most important for the job of dental assistant?

You are not actually expected to find the one single most important characteristic. Just take a moment to think about it and give a thoughtful answer based on your experience. One way to answer this question is to mention multi-tasking ability; it is important because it implies the ability to do all of the above mentioned tasks simultaneously and effectively.


11⟩ Can you handle criticism?

"I will be able to perform to the best of my ability under any circumstance and I am always thankful for constructive criticism" is a good answer, but you should follow up with a reason why constructive criticism is helpful to you. "I am always willing to learn from my mistakes and learn better, more efficient methods of getting the job done" will suffice.


13⟩ Can you work under constant supervision?

Since you will only be allowed to perform direct patient care under the supervision of a dentist, you must be able to work while being watched and readily accept criticism.


15⟩ Is oral health and hygiene important for you as a dental assistant?

It seem's like a silly question, but your interviewer has a very good reason to ask. If you are not passionate about your own oral health and hygiene, it is unlikely that you will be able to convey the importance of oral care to your patients. You may even choose to describe your oral care practices to your interviewer so that they can better understand your methods. You might answer with "Absolutely. I make sure to brush twice a day and after meals, and I see my own dentist at least twice per year." You may also be asked to explain why oral health is so important for overall physical health, as well.


16⟩ How to manage infection control and clinical cleanliness?

Clinic's standard procedures for infection control should be followed and taken care of while operating any/all equipment. The instruments should be properly sterilized, the disposable items should be properly disposed of e.g. breaking off injections and sending paper waste for recycling as well as managing all kinds of waste disposals, following appropriate control procedures for radiography, maintaining clean and sanitized water supply etc.


17⟩ Will you comfortable working with children and adults?

You will likely be required to work alongside a dentist, so your interviewer will ask you this question in order to gauge your comfort level. Although it is okay to express a preference for one over the other, you should be able to provide an answer that portrays your ability to work with either age group. "Although I especially love working with children and keeping them excited about good oral hygiene, I am just as comfortable working with adults" is a fantastic example answer. Although you may not be assigned to work primarily with children, your preferences will likely be noted if you are hired.


18⟩ Tell me about your organizational and administrative skills and experience?

Another fact of working as a dental assistant has to do with your administrative and organizational expertise. Aside from working chair side with patients, you may also be required to greet them as they come in the door, answer telephone calls, schedule appointments, restock supplies, and more. You will need to convince the interviewer that your skills are on target with the needs of the job. For example, "I have experience with answering telephones and I have learned and implemented several methods of filing and record keeping" would be a great answer, but only if you are prepared to elaborate on that experience.


19⟩ Described about a tough patient you had to deal with?

I wouldn't say that I have had a "tough patient". I would say however I have had several circumstances in which I had to use my skills and training to figure out the needs of each patient and do my best to meet their needs to make the appointment run as smoothly as possible. That sometimes can be tough, but it is one of the challenges I enjoy most in this field, making the dental experience as pleasant as possible for the patient.