Dental Assistant

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“Dental Assistant Frequently Asked Questions in various Dental Assistant job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

50 Dental Assistant Questions And Answers

26⟩ Tell me are you an outgoing individual?

I see myself as an outgoing individual. I am very good at meshing with different types of people. But I also think its very important not to bring your personal life into work life. At work i am outgoing in a professional manner.


29⟩ How to calmed down upset patients?

With a calm voice and tell the pt I know why they are uncomfortable and that everything is under control and the procedure is going just fine and that they are doing great.


37⟩ Describe your last experience working with a dentist?

The last time I worked with a dentist is when I was in school. He made me nervous just cause he was kind of pushy and tried to confuse everyone a little bit, but other than that we got along well. He was a very funny man and told me how good I did when helping out.


40⟩ Do you have any experience in a medical office?

I don't have a lot of experience within the medical office but what i can assure you is that i am willing to learn what it takes to improve the hands on training that i have received during school.