21⟩ Tell me do you hold active WA dental assistant registration?
Yes! In addition, I possess an EFDA certification, OSHA training and an Intraoral Radiology Certification as well.
“Dental Assistant Frequently Asked Questions in various Dental Assistant job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”
Yes! In addition, I possess an EFDA certification, OSHA training and an Intraoral Radiology Certification as well.
Out of every ten dental patients at Dental Habitat, two were children. I found it easy to handle children during a dental procedure because I can make them comfortable by diverting their attention to stories and jokes.
I was responsible for both procedural and administrative support at Dental Habitat. From taking and recording patients information to providing support to complex dental procedures, I was expected to manage it all.
Keeping a uplifting and positive attitude and use the teamwork technique. Always making sure everything is stocked and sterilized to make the day run smoothly.
Yes, I do. I can effectively and accurately make casts and crowns. I can also make retainers and both temporary and permanent braces.
I see myself as an outgoing individual. I am very good at meshing with different types of people. But I also think its very important not to bring your personal life into work life. At work i am outgoing in a professional manner.
I have much experience in exposing radiography and filling out claim forms. I am knowledgeable in sterilization of dental instruments also operatories.
I would rate them an 8 but im always eger to learn new things.
With a calm voice and tell the pt I know why they are uncomfortable and that everything is under control and the procedure is going just fine and that they are doing great.
Team work and motivation.I will give my best into making it a better environment.
They comfort the patient through emotional and anxiety.
They are both got the same importance, but in order to get money you need to work.
Yes to check what it is like been in dental clinic.
I see myself as a confident lead assistant. One that is often requested by patients due to my efficiency and ability to calm and educate patients.
I like stability. I dont want to move from one place to another, I want long term
Every patient because they each bring their own uniqueness into the office and offer new personalities and I enjoy the variety of personality.
The last time I worked with a dentist is when I was in school. He made me nervous just cause he was kind of pushy and tried to confuse everyone a little bit, but other than that we got along well. He was a very funny man and told me how good I did when helping out.
I gained all the necessary knowledge while attending dental school for 18mo.
I prioritize and organize my work. Emergencies come first. If we are well-organized then we can handle the stress.
I don't have a lot of experience within the medical office but what i can assure you is that i am willing to learn what it takes to improve the hands on training that i have received during school.