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“Lady Doctors related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Lady Doctors. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

60 Lady Doctors Questions And Answers

22⟩ Tell us as a member of the nursing staff complains that an intern is not attending calls and not doing duties properly, what will you do?

A big tip for this question is to avoid the inclination to stereotype nursing staff and refer to the nurse in this scenario as female.

Hypothetical scenarios are common in doctor interviews. This one bundles both the potential for work conflict (between yourself and the nurse, yourself and your colleague and the nurse and your colleague) along with topical matter of trainee doctor well being and what's called the trainee in difficulty.

So the key here is to cover all the key principles in the scenario. To show you have broad awareness of what might be going on.


23⟩ Explain me how did you get to know about the position of doctor we are offering to you?

This is a tricky question that can trap you because sometimes if you do not want to mention the name of the person who told you about the job then that may not work well for the interview panel. You should be ready with your answer to this question. You can act a little smart by saying that you always wanted to work in this hospital and so you follow the job scenario here very carefully.


24⟩ Explain me about your background?

This open-ended question is an important starting point, although the practice already has information about background, credentials, and experience from the candidate’s resume.


26⟩ Tell us what are your strengths and weaknesses as a doctor?

There is no such thing as a perfect employee in any line of work. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and if you’re asked about them, you should never lie. Mention your work ethic and your amiable traits, but also disclose a few tasks that may be a bit difficult for you. The point is to stress that even you have weaknesses, but your strengths and your determination to rise above your limitations outweigh them.


27⟩ Tell us what are your salary expectations as Lady Doctor?

It’s best that you don’t talk about your salary expectations during an interview. However, if you are asked about it, you must be cautious in providing a specific figure. If you ask for an amount that’s too high, you might be eliminated from consideration altogether. If the number is too low, you might give the impression that your talents are not of sufficient value. If it cannot be avoided, the best possible answer to this question is to respond that you are looking to receive a competitive salary that matches your expertise, experience and anticipated workload.


28⟩ Tell me how do you remain current in your medical training?

To remain up-to-date on the relevant research in my field, I attend yearly conferences in internal medicine, and I maintain a current subscription to ACP Internist to receive news about the internist community and information about clinical issues in internal medicine. I make sure to follow the latest studies that affect internal medicine, as well.


30⟩ Please explain as a nurse is insisting to give medication to a patient whom you don't know and you don’t know the medication. What do you do?

Some questions seem simple on the surface. But providing a simple answer is not going to get you very far. Its obvious with this hypothetical question that you should of course not go ahead an prescribe the medication.

But you need to show your awareness of the needs of others in this situation, in particular the member of nursing staff and the patient.

☛ How are you going to discuss your dilemma with the nurse and possible the patient?

☛ Is the situation urgent? Will you need to call your senior for advice?

☛ Do you have time to go away and look up the medication and review the patient's file?

☛ What will you be telling the nurse? Their job is probably being held up by your current lack of knowledge. So you should be indicating to them when you will be able to get back to them.


31⟩ Please explain what will my schedule look like? What is the volume of patients I can expect to see?

First, figure out the patient volume you’re most comfortable with. Be honest with yourself here – this will inform what you want to hear for this question.

When asking this question make sure to get specific information like:

☛ What your hours will be

☛ How many days you will see patients and what volume to expect

☛ General size and volume of patients the entire facility sees

☛ Call schedules

☛ Weekend schedules


33⟩ As you know many patients are on multiple medications to treat their illnesses. How will you manage their symptoms and pain while avoiding prescribing medicines that may not interact well when taken simultaneously?

In my last position as an internist in a hospital, I often encountered patients who were hospitalized to be treated for respiratory or gastrointestinal infections that triggered previously existing conditions, such as diabetes or mental health conditions. One woman was on several medications to treat her bipolar disorder, yet was in the hospital to treat her bronchial infection.

I made sure to thoroughly understand the various doses of medications she was then taking so that I could prescribe treatment that would not have negative interactions or interfere with their effectiveness. As a result of my attention to the details of her mental health condition, she was given appropriate care and prescriptions for less aggressive but still effective medications for the bronchial condition and was able to recover in a timely manner without any additional complications from her various prescriptions.


36⟩ Explain me what is the importance of documentation as a doctor?

This question tests your awareness of some of the key requirements of the role of trainee doctors. Particularly the most junior trainee doctors, where documenting (or dealing with computer information systems) can be 80% of the job on a daily basis!

Obviously documenting IS important. But Why? Again, the CanMEDS framework may be a helpful construct for you in this question.

You might also legitimately answer this question by saying: “Documentation as a doctor is tremendously important and I am going to give you 3 examples of why?” Then give three good examples.

There's so many angles to this question that giving 3 good examples is going to be just as good as covering every point that you could imagine.


39⟩ Tell us is this your dream job?

All the doctors in their entire life dream of becoming a member of a reputed hospital where they can save people from dying. To answer this question you shall highlight the achievements of the hospital and the way this hospital is serving the people. You should always acknowledge this job as your dream job because only then the interviewer can trust you and will hire you in the hospital.


40⟩ Please explain why did you choose your field of specialty?

There are various specialties in the medical profession and potential employers are generally interested in understanding why you gravitated toward your particular field of specialty. It pays to be sincere but keep in mind that the element of caring for and preserving a patient’s life must be the very core of your response. You should also highlight your scientific curiosity about the field and what you wish to contribute to it through your medical practice and research.