Medical Sales Representative

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“Detail Man job related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Medical Sales Representative. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

70 Medical Sales Representative Questions And Answers

2⟩ How do you research a product?

This question is exploring your ability and motivation to be fully informed about your products. Keeping current with product data is essential to the job. Detail the resources you use to stay current and informed.


4⟩ What do you think the company would help you the best?

This question is really an attempt on the part of the company to discern if you are a team player yet capable of working on your own.

In your response, give examples of how you have worked in both of these capacities, even if not job related. Suggest that the company chalk out a plan with a quota that must be met by the end of a month, and then provide you with the resources to fulfill the goal. Proclaim that you will do your utmost to meet any reasonable goal.


7⟩ Explain what is your pre-call planning to a chemist?

► When did the distributor deliver the last order to the chemist

► What is the distributor frequency of visit

► What category of your drugs is the prime focus of his purchase and in what quantities

► Would you like to inform the pharmacy staff about a new drug launch

► Do you have any question about generic substitutions


8⟩ Explain what is the role of a Product Manager?

The role of a Product Manager is

► Market Analysis

► Segment Analysis

► Competitor Analysis

► Qualitative and Quantitative research

► Planning and Preparing the marketing mix

► Delivering the marketing mix


9⟩ Tell me about a time you persuaded someone professionally?

While at Shifa, I had to convince doctors of the importance of DHA. One of the products I sold was ***** and it required clinical presentation to show its efficacy. I requested a clinical trial and he began enrolling pts at the start of their pregnancy.


10⟩ How to differentiate yourself from your peers?

I am polished, poised, and professional. I am well established in my medical community. I have clinical credentialing that is highly regarded. I am familiar with the healthcare landscape of this market place and can multi task like nobodies business.


11⟩ Tell me what is the most challenging aspect of being a pharmaceutical sales person?

A novice to the world of pharmaceutical sales may think that the most difficult part of the sale is meeting the medical practitioner, but that is actually not so.

The challenge is actually convincing a doctor to switch from a drug that s/he and their patients are quite comfortable with and convert to a new alternative. The sales rep must persuade them that such a change would be an improvement, and that is the true challenge. If you have experience, share some of your success stories.


13⟩ How long having you been seeking employment in the pharmaceutical sales industry?

Your answer here will be important. You have the opportunity to make yourself look good with the right answer. If you have been looking for a position for a long time, six months or more, then you need to present yourself as a tenacious person who never gives up because you are absolutely certain that you are the right person for the job. Whether you have been granted interviews will matter, because the district manager will wonder why you didn't gain the position if you interviewed. On the other hand, if you didn't gain an interview that means you failed the first sales test. Perhaps you turned a position down because of location. That's a good reason to decline. If you've just started looking for a pharmaceutical sales position and you've already gained interviews, it's because you are impressive, on paper and in person.


14⟩ Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer?

So many to choose from, I had a Dr. Tell me that he would never use my product but the beauty of this was I was given an opportunity to embrace a porcupine and start selling. I probed to uncover the real issue and serviced the heck out of his office becoming a resource every chance I had...


15⟩ When did you decide to pursue a pharmaceutical sales career position?

You might reply that after your extensive research into this career field including actually going on a field preceptorship, that you believe this a perfect career for you. Then you must explain why it is perfect for you. It is perfect because you thrive on the type of challenges faced by pharmaceutical sales representatives! You want to make a difference at a job you are certain you will love. Pharmaceutical sales is a perfect match for your personality and work experience. Then supply proof for your statement.


17⟩ I see you have held several different positions over the last five years? Can you explain why?

The obvious objective in this question is to determine whether you are a "job-hopper." Training and educating pharmaceutical sales representatives is very time-consuming and expensive. A bad choice would yield an ineffective pharmaceutical sales representative and one that would potentially leave the job "undone" because that person has again decided to do something else. The district manager will attempt to ascertain whether you are a dependable person and whether you do indeed really want a career that offers upward mobility. He must be convinced that you will stay and work smart. If you have changed positions in order to increase the challenge of your job and allow upward mobility, then that is an excellent reason for changing jobs. Career transitions or job transitions made to increase compensation for your work is another good reason.


19⟩ What is your current occupation?

Give an honest answer, but highlight any area of responsibility that you may have which would be seen as a benefit for someone in pharmaceutical sales. This would be a good time to show the "Career Comparison" information that you have placed in your Personal Presentation Binder. You will have already compared your job responsibilities to that of a pharmaceutical sales representative. Were you responsible for marketing a product or idea to others? Have you analyzed a "buyer" to determine that buyer's potential? Do you have daily contact with physicians or other medical personnel in your day-to-day activities? These are excellent job responsibility areas to compare with pharmaceutical sales job responsibilities. Be careful not to make a negative statement. Always expect to be asked to prove any statement that you make!