1⟩ The intraocular pressure can fluctuate
* a) Seasonally
* b) Diurnally
* c) With eye movements
* d) In optic neuritis
* e) With fluid intake
Answer a. T b. T c. T d. F e. T
“Ophthalmology Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that the Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine which deals with the diseases and surgery of the visual pathways, including the eye, brain, and areas surrounding the eye, such as the lacrimal system and eyelids. Learn the Ophthalmology basis and advance concepts or get preparation for job interview of Ophthalmology by our Ophthalmology Interview Questions and Answers Guide.”
* a) Seasonally
* b) Diurnally
* c) With eye movements
* d) In optic neuritis
* e) With fluid intake
Answer a. T b. T c. T d. F e. T
* a) Has a higher refractive index in the nucleus than the cortex
* b) Contains a higher potassium concentration than the aqueous
* c) Contains a higher concentration of sorbitol in diabetic patient than normal population
* d) Glucose is metabolised mainly by aerobic glycolysis
* e) Contains nucleated cells mainly on its posterior surface
Answer a. T b. T c. T d. F e. F
* a) Contributes to the refractive function of the eye
* b) Is partly formed from the goblet cells
* c) Is 100um thick?
* d) Its normal break-up time is 5 to 15 seconds
* e) Is decreased with topical atropine
Answer a. T b. T c. F d. F e. T
* a) There is a shift in peak spectral sensitivity from 555 nm to 505 nm with dark adaptation
* b) Rods are more sensitive than cone during dark adaptation
* c) Biphasic changes only occur in retina, which processes both rods and cones
* d) Its takes about 30 seconds in man
* e) It is delayed in-patient with vitamin A deficiency
Answer a. T b. T c. T d. F e. T
* a) It depends on a normal retinal pigment epithelium
* b) It can be easily produced in the anaesthetized patients
* c) The maximal dark response exceeds the light response in normal people
* d) It is given in an absolute value in microvolts
* e) In Best's disease, EOG is abnormal in the presence of normal ERG
Answer a. T b. F c. F d. F e. T
* a) The dorsal root ganglia is made up mainly of the cell bodies of the sympathetic nerves
* b) The preganglionic sympathetic fibers are usually longer than preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
* c) Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter at the ganglia of both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
* d) Botulin toxin blocks acetylcholine receptors
* e) Hemicholinium blocks the synthesis of acetylcholine
Answer a. T b. F c. T d. F e. T
* a) It is a virus specific molecule
* b) It acts by neutralizing exotoxin
* c) It enhances the histocompatibility antigen on cell surface and thereby activates the T cells
* d) It exerts its effect by integrating itself with the DNA of virus-infected cells
* e) It can inhibit cell division in normal tissue
Answer a. F b. F c. T d. F e. T
* a) Is involved in botulism
* b) Elicit an antibody response, which may protect the host from future attack
* c) Is produced mainly by Gram positive bacterial
* d) Can often survive autoclaving
* e) Is found in the vesicle of bacterial cytoplasm
Answer a. F b. F c. F d. T e. F
* a) Metabolic acidosis
* b) Hyperkalaemia
* c) Hypernatraemia
* d) Renal calculi
* e) Hypercalcaemia
Answer a. T b. F c. F d. T e. F
* a) Phenothiazine
* b) Topical pilocarpine
* c) Topical atropine
* d) Topical phenylephrine
* e) Topical cocaine
Answer a. T b. F c. T d. F e. T
* a) Forms the floor of the recess of the third ventricle
* b) is inferior to the medial root of the olfactory tract
* c) Has the internal carotid artery as its immediate lateral relation
* d) Has the mamillary bodies lying immediately posterior to it
* e) Is in close relation to the oculomotor nerve inferiorly
Answer a. T b. T c. T d. F e. F
* a) Contains purine and pyrimidine which are bound together by covalent bonds
* b) There is always an equal concentration of purine and pyrimidine
* c) In RNA, thymine is replaced by uracil
* d) Introns is more common than exons on the DNA
* e) The histones mark the excision site
Answer a. F b. T c. T d. F e. F
* a) It is the heaviest immunoglobulin
* b) It is the first immunoglobulin to be produced when the body is invaded by viruses
* c) It is secreted by the lacrimal gland
* d) It is secreted in the breast milk
* e) It is an effective defense against gonococcus
Answer a. F b. F c. T d. T e. T
* a) Ig A-proteases
* b) Beta lactamases
* c) gonococcal pili
* d) Streptococcal M protein
* e) The capsular polysaccharides in Haemophilus influenzae
Answer a. T b. F c. T d. T e.
* a) Monoamine oxidase: noradrenaline
* b) Cholinesterase: acetylcholine
* c) Catechol-o-methyl transferase: dopamine
* d) Dopa decarboxylase: adrenaline
* e) Glutamic acid decarboxylase: gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Answer a. F b. F c. F d. T e. T
* a) There are 23 pairs of autosomal chromosome traits
* b) 23 chromosomes are found in germinal cells
* d) In female only one chromosome is activated
* c) The Barr body is due to inactivated X chromosome
* e) Klinefelter's syndrome result from an extra X chromosome in male
Answer a. F b. T c. T d. T e .F
* a) The upper lacrimal punctum is lateral to the lower punctum
* b) The lacrimal canaliculi are lined by stratified squamous epithelium
* c) nasolacrimal duct is narrowest at the lowest end
* d) nasolacrimal duct runs downwards, lateral and forwards to the anterior part of inferior meatus
* e) Congenital blockage is due mainly to delay development of common canaliculus
Answer a. T b. T c. F d. F e. F
* a) The palpebral part drains into the superior conjunctival fornix through 12 ducts
* b) The palpebral part of the gland is 1/3 the size of the orbital part
* c) Excision of palpebral but no the orbital part abolish the tear secretion by the gland
* d) It receives secretomotor nerve from the third cranial nerve
* e) The lymphatic drainage is to parotid gland
Answer a. T b. T c. F d. F e. T
* a) Is closer to the orbital floor than the roof
* b) Is closer to the lateral wall of the orbital cavity than to medial wall
* c) Has a vertical diameter less than the anteroposterior diameter
* d) Has an anterior segment which form 1/4 of the circumference
* e) is least protected laterally
Answer a. F b. T c. T d. F e. T