1⟩ How many Biztalk Components are there?
BizTalk Server Administration
Buissness Rule
Receive location
Receive port
Sent port
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BizTalk Server Administration
Buissness Rule
Receive location
Receive port
Sent port
Convoys exist in the world any time multiple single items
must be related together in order to achieve something that
the individual item cannot accomplish by itself. This
concept generalizes into a basic design pattern. This is
convoy processing.
Convoy processing can be additionally broken out into two
separate categories as shown in the following list:
Sequential convoy - Items that are in a order, one after
Parallel convoy - Items that are in any order, but must all
be present before something occurs
May be you have configured the bidning property of port
as "specify later". When you have a send port group and you
apply filters on the send port in that group. The messages
are not filtered acording to filter conditions and each
message copy is sent to all the ports in that group as well
as extra copies are send to the port where the filter
condition meets. The subsciptions is created on send
portgroup ID. In these case you can use dynamic ports so
that messages only which meet the conditions will be
If your case is the simple Add/Update-ing several rows, the
Updategram give you more simple way. You completely were
out of the SQL code.
SP give you more control under your data inside SQL. If you
also have SPs or
part of your business logic is/will be inside SQL you need
use SPs. Usually we have to use SP with OPENXML.
Custom Pipeline components extend the behavior of Pipelines
to include processing data of virtually any format. They
can be a powerful solution if you support legacy systems
that require integration with other products, but your
legacy data format does not follow standards.
Mapping - its just used to transfer values from one XSD to other XSD.
Orchestration - Work flow of processes.
Schema - Schema(Sample) of the XML files which will be used for processing messages.
Adapter.Pipeline - Gateway to receive and send messages.
BRE -(Bussiness Rule Engine)Used to Externally configure the values.
HAT - (Health and Activity tracking) Used to trace the message.
BAM - (Bussiness activity monitoring) Used to generate and Moniter Report's
If you use XML object, then you can get any *.xml messages
into orchestration
Having version attribute in the root node name
When A message is passed through biztalk without being
processed then it is called Message Routing.
When A message is passed based on certain field value of
schema, it is called content routing.
A BizTalk Server Host is a logical set of zero or more
BizTalk Server run-time processes in which you deploy items
such as adapter handlers, receive locations (including
pipelines), and orchestrations.
A host instance is the process where the message
processing, receiving, and transmitting occurs You install
a host instance on each server running BizTalk Server 2006
that has one or more hosts mapped to that server
yes, with out using orchestration, we can get the message
it is done in the case of messaging solution.
Messaging solution means it is the biztalk solution with
out orchestration.
go to biztalk adminstration console and create the receive
port and create the send port .
in the send port configuration wizard, in the left
pane,there is tab called filters which is used to provide
subscription infornation to biztalk msg box, that tells the
msgbox,"if any information comes on a particular port,
please send that information to me
there is a filter property is there
so when ever the msg is dropped to receive location
configured with receive port, it comes to biztalk msgbox
db, msgbox db sends the message to send port based on
subscription information
This is how the message transformation is done without
using orchesrtation
Can have custom functoids, custom pipelines, custom
adapters, custom way of calling BRE, calling external .NET
its all depends on sort of deployment, in case of single
box hosting sql and biztalk services then absolutely no
need of active directory which is mostly happens in
development environments, but AD importance coming in to
the picture in enterprise deployments where you have
biztalk group , sql on separate boxes, more important when
you want to have cluster for high availability and
performance scalability. Because the service user accounts
and service group credentials are used across the network
and group of computers and which is maintained in common
repository called AD on windows platform.
create one port, port type as dynamic.
Drag one expression shape in orchastration.
in that type, Portname(Microsoft.XLANGS.BaseTypes.Addresses)
= Address url.
Create a MAP in Biz talk and add first name and last name
strings with space in between and map to destination schema
node. Use that map in port to port binding either in recieve
port or in send port.
As per my knowledge he is Kapil..9535218782
we can extract the field value by using xpath(msgin "string()");
Only single copy will send because host instance is for load balancing purpose so that will send only to send location which is belongs to that host instance
Distinguished Fields are written in the message context by
the pipeline when a message is received on a port.
Distinguished fields are written into the context using the
Write() method on the IBaseMessageContext object.
No...Because atomic doesn't have property to maintain
persistent points.