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⟩ How to transfer files without using Orchestration?

yes, with out using orchestration, we can get the message

it is done in the case of messaging solution.

Messaging solution means it is the biztalk solution with

out orchestration.

go to biztalk adminstration console and create the receive

port and create the send port .

in the send port configuration wizard, in the left

pane,there is tab called filters which is used to provide

subscription infornation to biztalk msg box, that tells the

msgbox,"if any information comes on a particular port,

please send that information to me

there is a filter property is there


so when ever the msg is dropped to receive location

configured with receive port, it comes to biztalk msgbox

db, msgbox db sends the message to send port based on

subscription information

This is how the message transformation is done without

using orchesrtation


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