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“InPage job preparation guide for freshers and experienced candidates. Number of InPage frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many interviews”

111 InPage Questions And Answers

63⟩ I am changing font but the font is not getting applied, How to fix?

This is because you have not selected the text to which you are applying the font. For all the character attributes (like font change, font size, bold, italic, inter character gap, baseline shift etc.) you will always need to select the text to which you are applying these attributes.


64⟩ When I open a file, I get a message "This is not an InPage document, How to fix?

Probably you are actually opening a document file of some other application. In case you are sure that you are opening an InPage document, then its quite

possible that on your last save the file was not saved properly. At this juncture you have the option to open the .BAK file and retrieve your document before the last save state.

If you get the above message (from opening the .BAK file as well), then you can try retrieving only the text portion of your document (without any formatting) by importing the saved file as a text file in a new document. When you use the Import Text menu item and you get a Import Text dialog box, you should choose the file type as Text File (*.txt). This will lead to insertion of some junk characters at the beginning of the document and after 8-9 pages you will start getting Urdu/Arabic/English text. You can remove the junk characters from your document and make fresh changes to this newly retrieved document.


65⟩ I have saved the file but when I open it I find blank pages?

Probably before saving, you had changed to Master Page mode. And if you do not have any object or if you have empty text boxes on the master page(s), it will seem that the document is empty. To rectify this, go back to document mode (by pressing Alt-Enter or clicking on Master Page icon).


69⟩ When I launch InPage, I get a message "<no> of fonts not installed"?

★ As a first step, you can scan your disk by running the scandisk utility from Windows.

★ Now you can relaunch InPage and if you still encounter the same message then reinstall InPage completely.

★ It is also possible (in Windows 3.1/3.11) that 'Enable True type fonts in application' check box is set to off in the Fonts dialog from Control Panel folder. In this case too, you will get the above message and you will need to set this check box on and relaunch InPage.


70⟩ When I launch InPage, the program displays a "Dongel not installed message, How to fix it?

★ Please check that you have securely attached the dongel (that came along with your InPage installation) to the parallel port.

★ If you still get the above message, carry out these steps:

☆ check that your printer is off

☆ detach the printer cable from the dongel,

☆ reattach the dongel,

☆ attach the printer cable on top of the dongel,

☆ restart your computer,

☆ switch on your printer if required, and

☆ now switch on your computer.

☆ Launch InPage again.


71⟩ How to printing through postscript printers in InPage?

★ For Postscript printers, from the Options dialog you can choose the Advanced options button. In this dialog box, you can either send True Type fonts as postscript fonts or as Bitmap. For printing to printer without the downloaded fonts, you should select the Send True Type as Type 1 option.

★ If you want to print using already downloaded fonts, you should print through a printer driver which supports the following options. Adobe Default Printer driver or Accel-A-Writer printer drivers are two such drivers. Within the True Type font option set "Don't Send" True Type fonts. Also within the Postscript option check the "Do not download fonts" check box. Now if you print, the postscript file which is sent to the printer does not have font information. It just has the names of the fonts, and the font information it picks up from the printer. This is useful for a newspaper and/or magazine environment where you can download all the fonts you need. You can download these fonts to the printer memory or better still download these fonts to the printer hard disk.

★ Downloading fonts to the Printer Hard disk


72⟩ How to printing in InPage?

Printing can be carried out on any of the MS-Windows compatible printers. You first need to ensure that you are printing to your printer using a compatible driver from MS-Windows. You can choose or change the printer

driver from either the Printer Setup dialog or the Setup dialog from the Print command. In this dialog, you can set the following options:

★ Choose a Specific or default Printer,

★ Set Printer Paper Orientation whether Portrait or Landscape,

★ Set Printer Paper Sizes,

★ Using the Options button you can setup advanced Printer options.

The ensuing Options dialog varies from printer driver to printer driver. In general there is a clear demarcation between Postscript printers and non postscript printers.


73⟩ How to inserting inline pictures in InPage?

To insert inline graphics inside a text box, you need to use the insert picture menu item. This is very useful for manuals and books where the picture should flow along with the text. Once inserted, the inline picture can be resized and cropped by first selecting it and then carrying out the desired operation.

To select an inline picture, you just need to select the picture character with either the mouse or by using Shift along with the arrow key. Once selected, three selection points appear. These selection points enable you to resize the picture. Note that you cannot move the picture because its left and top is decided by the characters before this and the line height. Similarly if you move the mouse over the selected picture, a dotted Hand cursor tracks your movement over the picture. If you now click on the picture with this dotted hand cursor, the cursor changes to solid hand cursor. You can now crop the picture by moving the mouse.


74⟩ How to inserting page number in InPage?

You can insert a page number character to display the current page number at this character position. Usually you will use this to insert a page number on the master page in a title text box. This will enable the page number to get displayed on all the pages. On the master page the page number character is displayed as a hash (#).


75⟩ How to text wrap and repel in InPage?

To enable text to runaround an intersecting object, the text wrap attribute of the text chain has to be set to on. The amount the text flows away from the object is controlled by the specifications of the Object Runaround dialog.


76⟩ What are style sheets in InPage?

If you are working on a long document like book or a manual like this User manual, then you can exploit the power of Style Sheets. Style sheet is a collection of Character, Paragraph, Hyphenation and Borders attributes. This collection of attributes is given a name-a Style sheet name. Now whenever you want to apply the same set of attributes to some other paragraph, then you just need to apply the appropriate style sheet either from the style sheet combo box in the ribbon or the Format Style Sheets dialog. Later on if you want to modify some of the attributes you need to open the Format Style Sheets dialog and modify an existing style sheet. On pressing Enter, all the paragraphs to which this style sheet has been applied get formatted with the new attributes. This enables speedy formatting of your document.


77⟩ What are borders in InPage?

You can apply borders before and after a paragraph (much like See Also and Note paragraphs in this manual). The Borders can also be given a line pattern style (whether dotted, dashed, dash-dotted etc.), its thickness and color too can be specified.


78⟩ What is Hyphenation in InPage?

Hyphenation allows you to hyphenate English words at the end of the line of text in a a paragraph. InPage gives you the capability to specify the density of hyphenation in a paragraph.


80⟩ How to entering Urdu/Arabic/Persian text in InPage?

To enter text in Urdu/Arabic/Persian you need to interact with the following elements of InPage Interface:

★ English/Urdu Toggle Language.

★ Keyboard Settings

★ Typographic Preferences. For reference go to the details of the Preferences under the Edit menu. To key in Urdu text follow these steps-

★ Go to the bottom right of your program window and ensure that the language displayed is Urdu. If not you will either need to use Control-Space or go to the Language menu item and choose Toggle Language.

★ Go to the Keyboard Preferences and choose your favorite keyboard from the list of predefined keyboards. Keeping your Urdu keyboard layout handy for reference, enter the Urdu text.

★ Similarly if you wish to enter Arabic or Persian you can do so by choosing the appropriate font from the font combo box in the text ribbon as well as the right keyboard from the keyboard preferences.

For example-

For typing in Urdu choose noori nastaliq font

For typing in Arabic choose traditional Arabic font

For typing in Persian choose aasaar font