Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)

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“Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) frequently Asked Questions in various RTOS job Interviews by interviewer. The set of Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) interview questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer to the interview questions posed to you. Get preparation of Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) job interview”

22 Real Time Operating System (RTOS) Questions And Answers

2⟩ What is the need of creating 4GB of pages in Linux?

Not sure what this question is. But looks like the question

is: Why 4GB addressing space available in Linux. Well, the

simple answer is it can address so much of memory with

available 32 address lines. 2 ^ 32 = 4 GB.


3⟩ What are the rules you follow when you are writing critical section of code?

a) Use Atomic Instructions

b) Remember to enable interrupts

c) Make the critical section code as small as possible.

(Prefer not more than 20 instructions)

d) Prefer not to call other functions from the critical

section. if u r calling, see that there is no critical

section in the other function too. Critical section is

bounded by Disable Interrupt and Enable Interrupt.

Check the example below.



/* Critical Section Start */


Some Instructions A ....

Call FnB();

/* do Something B */

Some Instructions B ....

/* Critical Section End */




/* Critical Section Start */


Some Instructions ..


/* Critical Section End */


Now the Enable_Interrupts in fnB() will enable the

interrupts and hence "Some Instructions B .." in fnA()

which should have been in critical section will no more be

in critical section because the interrupts are already


Please check if this condition is handled by the Enable and

Disable functions. If you want suggestions on how to solve

this problem, do revert back


4⟩ What are the advantages and disadvantages of winCE compared to GPOS?


1) Supports various types of processor platforms

2) Possible to Customize the Kernel and can reduce its size

(upto ~300KB kernel size)

3) Especially for the embedded device platforms


1) Process limits, max. 32 process at a time in WinCE 5.0

2) Limited space allocation for each processes, 32MB/each



5⟩ Why MFC is not Supporting in Smartphones,This is also winCE mobile then why?

Well there is nothing to related with limited H/w I believe,

Because MFC is just a collection classes designed using the

Windows APIs , to provide ease of use.

So the proper answer may Be...

To design any application on mobile.. We have very limited

APIs which user can directly used. Generally in Embedded

system (even in Soft RTOS also ) , if application design

using less ( comfort )layer like MFC ( and other if it is

there :) ),then your aplication would be more efficient.

That's why even today's era... The application written in

Assembly is the most efficient application then others.


8⟩ What are the SDKs developed by winCE?

MSFT standard SDK's are,

1. Windows Mobile for Smartphone = Windows Mobile Standard.

2. Windows Mobile for Pocket PC = Windows Mobile Classic.

3. Windows Mobile for Pocket PC Phone Edition = Windows

Mobile Professional.


9⟩ What is the difference between normal OS and winCE OS?

Normal OS wince

drivers runs under User space(part of device manager)

kernel space

cannot be customized customized for embedded application

for embedded application like mobile phones,thin client...

(exception linux)

kernel - monolithic kernel- micro kernel


10⟩ What is CE Stands in winCCE?

In the name "Windows CE," the letters "CE" are not an

abbreviation for anything, but rather they imply a number

of the precepts around which Windows CE is designed,

including "Compact," Connectable,"

Compatible," "Companion," and "Efficient."


11⟩ What is the specialty of winCE?

- Supports various processor x86, MIPS, SH, ARM

- Real TimeOS

- Preemptive

- Max 32 process supported on or previous version of wince



- Small memory foot print.

- Suitable for small gadgets with like Portable media

players, Mobile phones


12⟩ What is Device driver?

A device driver is a code that performs device control

operations specific to the device being addressed.

It is software layer that lies between applications and the

actual device.

or a more formal definition would be

Device drivers are distinct black boxes that make a

particular piece of hardware respond to a well defined

internal programming interface.


14⟩ When would you choose bottom up methodology?

In Bottom Up Methodology, we build the bottom-most layer

first and then ascend onto the actual application i.e. all

the smaller chunks of code or assisting functions are build

first and then the bigger function which uses these are built.

Bottom Up methodology is followed when we are definite about

the number, type and functionality of the Bottom most

functions(Assisting Functions) to be defined. Once all these

functions are defined, we build the bigger system above it.

Top down approach is followed when we are not very sure

about the number/type of functions that need to be

implemented, so the application is started to be implemented

and as and when smaller functions are needed, they are built.


16⟩ Write a code to connect Hardware interrupt to ISR?

In Keil

void serial_ISR() interrupt 4 using 0



& in AVR studio




hardware intterupt normally redirects the uC to predefined

addresses. In case of high end processors the interrupt

table will decide the interrupt vector address and whenever

intterrupt pin goes low, the table is searched for type and

source of interrupt.


17⟩ What is major concerns about any RTOS selection?

Interrrupt Latency means the time taken by the processor to

pass the control to ISR after the interrupt is raised.

Certainly this is the hardware feature.

Footprint of the OS matters because with the same compiler

and same optimization techniques, Different OS's will have

different footprint.

So this is can be looked upon while selecting the RTOS.

RTOS can be chosen looking at various API support it

provides. Synchronization support, Scheduler algos, and

memory management of the OS.


18⟩ What is priority inversion? And What is the solution?

When low priority thread is service and high priority theas

is keep on waiting.This situation is called priority

inversion.because even though thread have high priority it

is not executed.

solution:There are different solution one of them is

priority inheritance,It means change the priority of the

thread.make high priority thread to low and lower priority

thread to high.

In this way only the rule high priority should execute first

is follow.


19⟩ What is difference between IRQ and FRQ?

"IRQ is serviced at a normal priority level and FIQ is

serviced at high priority level." This statement is wrong

FIQ is the fast interrupt i.e. the latency time taken is less because in the FIQ mode (in case of ARM architecture where these modes are encountered) the mode has an additional set of 8 general purpose registers which means in case of the banked registers there is no need to store these registers into stack when the interrupt occurs.

That means r0 to r7 only needs to be stored while moving from User mode to FIQ mode whereas while moving from to IRQ mode r0 to r12 needs to be stored.


20⟩ When would you choose top down methodology?

Top down methodology is one where overall picture of the

system is defined first. Then we go into the details of the

sub-systems in the next level and so on. So to brief this,

first the complex system is seen as a whole and then this

is broken down to smaller simpler pieces.

Top down approach is preferred when understanding of the

complete system is done. Sufficient knowledge of the system

is required.