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“Sun Solaris (OS) Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that the Solaris is a UNIX-based operating system introduced by the Sun Microsystems in 1992. Sun Solaris is known for its scalability, especially on SPARC systems, and for originating many innovative features that you will learn here by these Sun Solarid OS interview questions and answers guide.”

64 Solaris Questions And Answers

22⟩ What is sticky bit in Solaris?

If a directory is writable and has sticky bit is set, files within directory removed or renamed only if one or more following is true:

- The user owns the file

- The user owns the directory

- The file writable by the User

- The user is "root"

chmod 1777 project_dir

The sticky bit is displayed as the letter t in the execute field for 'others'.


Sticky Bit is a permission bit that protects the files with in a Directory. If the directory has sticky bit set, a file can be deleted by the owner of the file, the owner of the directory or root.

This Prevents a user from deleting other users files from public directories .


25⟩ How to restore a corrupted file system or trouble shoot bad super blocks for a FS c0t2d0s5

get into single user mode from ok prompt by using the command below.

boot -s

use the newfs command to check the number of back ups for the superblock used.

use newfs -N to display the value for /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0 as below.

newfs -N /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0

use fsck command to fix the superblocks as below

fsck -F ufs -o b=75680 /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0

Now the blocks are replaced get to multiuser mode using init 3

server should boot fine.


26⟩ How will you add a virtual IP address to a server in Solaris. Given the interface qe0 and IP


#ifconfig qe0:1 plumb

# ifconfig qe0:1 up

where "qe0" is an interface (e.g., le0) and N is a number between 1 and

<MAX>. Removing the pseudo interface and associated address is done

with "ifconfig qe0:1 down".

As with physical interfaces, all you need to do is make the

appropriate /etc/hostname.qe0:X file.


30⟩ What would a XIR signal do to a server and why would it be used?

XIR signal used by reset command in solaris.

reset (1M) allows you to reset one or more domains in one of two ways: reset the hardware to a clean state or send an externally initiated reset (XIR) signal. The default is to reset the hardware to a clean state. You will receive an error if the virtual keyswitch is in the secure position. An optional confirmation prompt is given by default. Refer to Chapter 6 in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.2 Administrator Guide for the Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems for more information.

An XIR signal (reset -x ) also traps to low-level domain software (OpenBoot PROM or kadb ), which retains control of the software. The domain must be rebooted manually.


33⟩ What is difference between Process and Daemon in Solaris?

A 'daemon' is a software process that runs in the background (continuously) and provides the service to client upon request. For example named is a daemon. When requested it will provide DNS service. Other examples are:

xinetd (it is a super-daemon, it is responsible for invoking other Internet servers when they are needed)

inetd (same as xinetd, but with limited configuration options)

sendmail/postfix (to send/route email)

Apache/httpd (web server)

'server process' run runs one time, when called by a daemon. Once done it will stop. For example telnetd (in.telnetd) or ftpd called from xinetd/inetd daemon . By calling server process from daemon you can save the load and memory. Use a server process for small services such as ftpd, telnetd


37⟩ What is the big difference between /dev/dsk and /dev/rdsk

In Solaris whenever you create a new slice using format command a raw physical slice or a Raw Device will be created which is addressed as /dev/rdsk/c#d#s# where # is the number for slice.

After formatting it with newfs command the slice will be addressed as /dev/dsk/c#d#s# which can now be used for mounting.

eg. newfs /dev/rdsk/c0d0s4

mkdir /oracle

mount /dev/dsk/c0d0s4 /oracle

After mounting /dev/dsk/c#d#s# is called as Block Device

/dev actually contains logical device names which are links (Shortcuts in windows terminology) to actual physical devices in /devices directory.


39⟩ How to configure mail server in sun solaris?

1. Install the sendmail recent package..

2. in /etc/mail/ file configure for localhost,mail server and domain name.

3. Restart the sendmail service...

that's it .. getback to me if having any more doubt.


40⟩ How to find 32 or 64 bit system instances of OS?

On a 32-bit system, the two-part kernel is located in the directory /platform/?uname -m?/kernel.

On a 64-bit system, the two-part kernel is located in the directory/platform/?uname -m?/kernel/sparcv9


isainfo -b

the above command displays whether the processor is 32/64 bit