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“Linux Threads frequently Asked Questions in various Linux Threads job Interviews by interviewer. The set of Linux Threads interview questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer to the interview questions posed to you. Get preparation of Linux Threads job interview”

12 Linux Threads Questions And Answers

1⟩ How to recover the linux system after it was crashed?

boot the system through 1st CD and after give time and all

setting then on installing SCREEN type 'rescue' for go to

rescue mode, then type #mount /chroot/sysimage then enter

know what ever problem u have u can trableshoot either

filesystem or grub if it is related to grub then type

'#fdisk -l' to see the partition type then install grub by

'grub-install /dev/hda,b,c' or what ever ........



This is one system administrator's point of view why

LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as frequently used, is bad. This is written

from a SunOS 4.x/5.x (and to some extent Linux) point of

view, but this also applies to most other UNIXes.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is an environment variable you set to give

the run-time shared library loader ( an extra set of

directories to look for when searching for shared libraries.

Multiple directories can be listed, separated with a colon

(:). This list is prepended to the existing list of

compiled-in loader paths for a given executable, and any

system default loader paths.

For security reasons, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is ignored at runtime

for executables that have their setuid or setgid bit set.

This severely limits the usefulness of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


5⟩ A _____ cpu is a cpu that has a speed greater than the speed that was originally intended for the processor?

its called overclocking, generally the processor is set to

a low clock rate which can be increased to higher clock

frequencies. Example a P4 3Ghz processor could be

overclocked to 4.2 Ghz but it requires a lot of skills and

additional heat sinks to dissipate the energy. Also, it can

lead to permanent damage of processor


7⟩ A _____Bios automatically assigns the necessaryconfiguration information (IRQs I/O addresses, and DMAS) to devices and avoid conflicts?

BIOS Has a set of routine to initialize the Bare hardware.

If "automatically assign" means initialization then the

proposition is right. Else... The BIOS inits the system

resources and stores the values in NVRAM(CMOS) the screen

you see for configuring the SYSTEM parameter is a depict of


When you configure the System, the post-BIOS routines read

those and prepares the system for start-up.


10⟩ What is crondtab daemon?

The cron daemon reads the /etc/cronlog.conf configuration

file provided by the user to log the information. If a

configuration file has not been created, then the cron

daemon creates a log of its activities in the

/var/adm/cron/log file. The cron daemon reads the

configuration file when it is activated and when it receives

the hangup signal.

If the cron daemon is not able to create or open the

user-specified logfile, then it creates a log of its

activities in the /var/adm/cron/log file.


11⟩ What is the use of thread over process?

Thread is an executable entity but it is bound to its parent


now there are two types of threads.

1. user space threads and

2. kernel thread

now the kernel threads are actually known as light weight


why light weight????

>>>> as it's context switching times is lesser than all

other process.

now why the context switching time is less????

>>>>> as process have there own process address space and

maintains many more things like userID, ProcessID, groupID,

number of files opened, reisters and blah, blah

whereas thread shares it's parent process's address space

and mainly contains three things like own stack, registers

and thread related data.

so more things to swap need more time that's why thread's

context switching time is less compared to that of a process.

now the answer,

use of thread: thread are used to provide multi-programming


ok, now u ppl would think that, it can also be done creating

new processes (using fork())

yes we can,

but as i told earlier that the context switch time for

threads are very less.

moreover the inter-thread communication is more easier than

inter-process communication as all threads of a single

process uses the same address space.


12⟩ Suppose we have three threads T1, T2 and T3 which perform sequentially one after another is their any benefit of using thread over here rather than having a single process?

here T1, T2 and T3 as a thread consumes less memory and

more speed

but as a process it consumes more memory.


Multiple threads can be run within a single memory


but process needs seperate memory allocations for each
