
Question and Answer:

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⟩ What is the use of thread over process?

Thread is an executable entity but it is bound to its parent


now there are two types of threads.

1. user space threads and

2. kernel thread

now the kernel threads are actually known as light weight


why light weight????

>>>> as it's context switching times is lesser than all

other process.

now why the context switching time is less????

>>>>> as process have there own process address space and

maintains many more things like userID, ProcessID, groupID,

number of files opened, reisters and blah, blah

whereas thread shares it's parent process's address space

and mainly contains three things like own stack, registers

and thread related data.

so more things to swap need more time that's why thread's

context switching time is less compared to that of a process.

now the answer,

use of thread: thread are used to provide multi-programming


ok, now u ppl would think that, it can also be done creating

new processes (using fork())

yes we can,

but as i told earlier that the context switch time for

threads are very less.

moreover the inter-thread communication is more easier than

inter-process communication as all threads of a single

process uses the same address space.


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