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82 Oracle Architecture And Concepts Questions And Answers

41⟩ What is high watermark in oracle?

1. High water mark is the maximum amount of database blocks used so far by a segment. This mark cannot be reset by delete operations.

2. Delete Table operation wont reset HWM.

3. TRUNCATE will reset HWM.

4. The high water mark level is just a line separate the used blocks and free blocks.

The blocks above the HWM level is free blocks, they are ready to use.

The blocks below the HWM level is used blocks, they are already used.


42⟩ How does the SMON process performs recovery after instance failure?

When hardware failure, software failue and shutdown abnormally happen...

SMON taking care of Instance failure, coalesce failure space and deallocating temp segment

start to recover instance Roll fwd with help of redologfiles for commited transaction and roll backward upto uncommited

transaction with help of undotablespace.

coalesce failure space: De-fragmenting every 3 sec

deallocating temp segment: Sorting purpose


44⟩ How to determine the physical architecture of oracle?

The Physical Architectureof the Oracle involves,

1)SGA i.e Shared Global Area or System Global Area part of the Memory of system which is used by the Oracle Database.

2)Background Processes: To start up the oracle data base these are the minimum background processes required.

a)PMON: Process Monitor releases all the reources and transactions(I/D/U) which is held by the user after disconnecting from the database.

b)SMON: System Monitor performs the failure of Instance Crash suppose if the Data missing in DF. SMON recognizes such inconvinence and writes the data from RF to DF

c)Checkpoint: All the DB buffer changes wil be written into the DF aftr issuing the checkpoint. Checkpoint will be issued on timely basis by DBA.

d)DBWR: It writes the DB buffer changes to DF aftr the check point.

e)LGWR: It writes the LOGBUFFER changes to the RF when rollback or checkpoint is encountered.

3)Database files: Oracle data base contains three types of files that are,


b)Redolog Files(RF)

c)Control File(CF)

To start up DB one Datafile two Redologfile and one Control file is needed.

Datafile is the place where data gets stored permanentely.

Redolog file is the place where all the comitted data gets stores.

Control file stores the information about the DF & RF.

Oracle Architecture also comprises of the following,




4)Data Base Blocks


46⟩ When does the LGWR writes all redo-enteries to the redo-log buffer?

LGWR writes one contiguous portion of the buffer to disk. LGWR writes:

1. A commit record when a user process commits a transaction

2. Redo log buffers

– Every three seconds

– When the redo log buffer is one-third full

– When a DBWn process writes modified buffers to disk, if necessary


48⟩ What is a Data Segment in Oracle?

The level of logical database storage above an extent is called a segment. A segment is a set of extents, each of which has been allocated for a specific data structure and all of which are stored in the same tablespace. For example, each tables data is stored in its own data segment, while each index data is stored in its own index segment. If the table or index is partitioned, each partition is stored in its own segment.


50⟩ Which parameter specifies the number of DBWn processes?

The initialization parameter DB_WRITER_PROCESSES specifies the number of DBWn processes. The maximum number of DBWn processes is 20. If it is not specified by the user during startup, Oracle determines how to set DB_BLOCK_PROCESSES based on the number of CPUs and processor groups.


52⟩ How to apply archive log file in Oracle?

Archive Log need to apply when you need to recover database.

SQL> startup mount

SQL> alter database recover

<<-- Here database instance shall prompt you for required archive log file, you may perform Manual or AUTO recovery-->>


53⟩ How does archive log file helps to make backup consistent?

If database is in Archive Log Mode the only it is possible to perform HOT (Online) Backup, however all transaction entries would be done in Redo File and eventually it will be written to Archive Log File, it also called Archived Redo Log files.Hence by backing up Datafiles/Redo Log Files/Control Files and Archived redo Log Files you can have a consistent backup. Only in caseof Cold backup you dont reuire Archive Redo Log files as database instance is down while performing Cold backup.

For more details you may refer -


56⟩ What is the use of Redo Log Information in Oracle?

Oracle maintains logs of all transactions against the databse. These transactions are recorded in files called Online Redo log files.These logs are used to recover the database's transaction in their proper order in the evnt of database crash. The redo log information is stored in Redo log file which is external to the datafilesEach database have two or more online redo log files. oracle writes tedo log file in cyclic order after the first log is filled , it writes to the second log files, until that one is filled. whn all of the online redo log file have been filled it move to the first online redo log file and start overwriting the transaction recordNote : if the Databse is in ARCHIVE log mode then database will make the copy of the redo log file before overwriting the contents of the log file..These ARCHIEVED redo log file can then be used to recover any part of the database to any point of time.


59⟩ What is the diff b/w BTREE INDEX and BITMAP INDEX?

Bitmap indexes are more advantageous than b-tree indexes when the table has millions of rows and the key columns have low cardinality. bitmap indexes provide better performance than b tree indexes when queries often use a combination of multiple where conditions involving the OR operator, the table is read-only, or when there is low update activity on the key columns.


60⟩ If a user executes a query which is already being used by a view exactly will oracle use already existing view to retrieve data or use the query executed by user?

Oracle uses query executed by user because when you use a view name in an other query, it simply transform query.

select empid,name from emp; --- original

create view emp_view as select empid,name from emp; ----- view created as name emp_view

select * from emp_view where empid=100; ---------- this quey transform into

select * from (select empid,name from emp) where empid=100;

In above query it uses view because we use view name.

If we execute original query ,It does not have any view any to interpret,hence it uses original query.