Oracle D2K

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“Oracle D2K Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that OracleD2K is the frontend in oracle to develop forms and the backend database oracle would be storing information and d2k will be displaying it. So learn Oracle D2K and get a better job or get preparation for a job in D2K with the help of this Oracle D2K Interview Questions with Answers guide”

28 Oracle D2K Questions And Answers

8⟩ How to make the project as .exe file in oracle forms & reports(d2k)?

Developer/2000 doesn't make exe files. Think of your Dev 2k project like an access database, you develop the forms and reports and then when you deploy them you also install the Forms & Reports Runtimes on the clients machine. Forms, when compiled have the *.fmx extension as opposed to the normal *.fmb extension.

Developer/2000 doesn't make .exe files.


10⟩ How to get / select the nth row from the table? how to select first n rows ,last n rows from a table?

nth salary

select salary

from table_name a

where &n=(select count(salary) from table_name b where a.salary<=b.salary);

n salaries

select salary

from table_name a

where &n>=(select count(salary) from table_name b where a.salary<=b.salary);

select level,max(column name) from emp where level = n connect by prior sal > sal group by level;


12⟩ Do you know table based value sets?

yes i know.


we will give set name.

select type as table,"edit information" button will hilight, click that

give application name-->table name(for which u want to make table value set)-->column name-->give name of the column-->where/order by(give the condition or order either asc/desc)-->save it and use in "parameters" window in concurrent program creation.


19⟩ In oracle application how do you debug or trace errors?

You can trace in Oracle application Help menu.

Start Oracle application Goto Help

Help->Diagnostics->Trace-> Regular Trace.

will ask for Apps Pass. Wil Show Not dialog Box which Gave you the path of Trace file. FTP the Trace file.