Oracle D2K

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“Oracle D2K Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that OracleD2K is the frontend in oracle to develop forms and the backend database oracle would be storing information and d2k will be displaying it. So learn Oracle D2K and get a better job or get preparation for a job in D2K with the help of this Oracle D2K Interview Questions with Answers guide”

28 Oracle D2K Questions And Answers

22⟩ What are the new features in Release 11I?

The main features in Release 11i is

1.Multi Org-To support Multiple organizations.

1.Multi Currency-Defineing the multiple currencies to single organization

2.Multi Lingual-Suporting of multi Languages.


24⟩ How many different layouts are available in Reports6i? What are they? in which sequence , form level trigger will fire? in which sequence, report trigger will fire? how many types of canvas are there in form? what r they? what are bind variables and lexical reference in oracle reports? how many types of colums are there in Reports6i? what are they? what is the purpose of placeHolder column in Report? can u have a form with out a canvas? what is confine mode and flex mode in reports? how do u register report in oracleApps?

There are eight different layout formats :

1. Tabular

2. Form Like

3. Mailing Label

4. Form Letter

5. Group Left

6. Group Above

7. Matrix

8. Matrix with group


25⟩ What is the Placeholder Column? What is the Format Trigger?

A placeholder column is used to hold the value of certain calculation or a variable that is being carried out in a formula column. A place holder can be defined as anumber, character or date type, depending upon the type of value which will be stored into it.

A format trigger is used when we want to display a particular field, if certain conditions are met.


27⟩ What is the Anchoring in Reports? What is the difference between Frame and Repeating Frame?

Anchors are used to determine the vertical and horizontal positioning of a child object relative to its parent. The end of the anchor with a symbol on it is attached to the parent object.

Since the size of some layout objects may change when the report runs (and data is actually fetched), we need anchors to define where we want objects to appear relative to one another. An anchor defines the relative position of an object to the object to which it is anchored. Positioning is based on the size of the objects after the data has been fetched rather than on their size in the editor. It should also be noted that the position of the object in the Layout editor effects the final position in the report output. Any physical offset in the layout is incorporated into the percentage position specified in the Anchor property sheet.


28⟩ What is the Page Protect in Reports?

It indicates that whether you want to keep a object and its entire contents on the same logical page. Setting its property to 'yes' if the object and its entire contents cannot fit in the page it will be moved to next logical page.