1⟩ Explain command to view process running?
use ps command "process status". I will use "ps -ef" to
list every process in detail.
“Unix General frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Unix General. These interview questions and answers on Unix General will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the General Unix job interview”
use ps command "process status". I will use "ps -ef" to
list every process in detail.
df -h----- it shows the space alocation for oracle dsata file.
olny for space alocation execute command ll -lrth.
sed -n '/matchingpattern/g' file1 file2...
diff file1 file2
Above command will display all the lines which r diff in
file1 & file2 whereas, cmp will only display 1st occurance
of difference.
jobs -- get job id of the above process
[3] Running ./test.pl &
fg 3
grep stands as Globally Search for Regular Expression
and Print.
It is used for displaying the pattern matching lines from
requested file or files .
Suppose they are asking for displaying just one of the
columns in a directory, make a note of that column number
as it appears when we do a ls -lrt. Then we can use awk to
just display the one columns as o/p.
If column number is n, then do this:
ls -lrt | awk '{print $n}'
find /tmp -mtime n where n can be +ve or -ve
+n says, file modified in last n days
-n says, file modified more than n days ago
ex. if today is 5th of a month
file1 has mtime 3rd
file2 has mtime 2nd
then find . -mtime 2 will report file1
then find . -mtime -2 will report file2 only
nfsv3 acces through udp protocol whereas nfsv4 acces through
TCP/IP protocol
grep 'word1|word2' <filename>
cat command:used to create and displaying the information
present in the files.
Syntax for file creation: cat>(filename)
Syntax for displaying information in those file: cat
Syntax for Appending data in that files: cat>>(filename)
ls command: to list the files present in the system.
ls :will list all the files present in that directory.
ls -l:for long listing of the files.
ls -a:to view hidden files.
ls -ld:to get the permission for the current directory.
ls -ltr:to get the latest file in the directory.
man command:to know more information about the cmds.
Syntax:man <cmd>
eg:man ls
touch: is also used to create the multiple empty files at a
Syntax:touch f{1..10}:creates 10 empty files with names
pwd:is used to know present working directory.
cd f1 :to changed to the directory f1.
mkdir <direcoty name>:to create new directory.
rmdir <directory name>:to remove directory when it is empty
rm <filename>:to remove the files.
rm -r <direcotry name>:to remove the files in that
directory recursively.
rm -f <directoryname>:to remove the files in that directory
cp <source> <destination>: to copy the contents of one file
to another
cp -rR <s> <d>:will copy the contents of one directory to
mv <s> <d>:will move the contents of one file to another.
ls -l|grep ^d:toget the list of directories.
ls -i|grep ^_:to get the list of files.
clear-used to clear the screen
V1: less secure ,
lacks a strong mechanism for ensuring the
integrity of the connection.
if machine name user ogged in from is present in one of the
follwing file then connection is established.
$HOME/.rhosts, $HOME/.shosts, /etc/hosts.equiv, or
V2:More secure
provides additional mechanisms for confidential-
parateter card is a type of card used to provide voice
digital communication to radio stations for therir FMs
ls -ald (In solaris)
ls - ltra (In unix)
nslookup <host_name>
e.g: nslookup ibm6
Hidden files will start a period (.) in their names. To
list them use -a option of ls command.
like, ls -ltra
Use extended grep command
egrep 'searchstr1 | searchchstr2' file.txt
>wc -l filename
1 abc 100
2 def 200
3 ghi 300
4 ijk 500
>wc -l file
4 file