Unix General

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“Unix General frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Unix General. These interview questions and answers on Unix General will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the General Unix job interview”

18 Unix General Questions And Answers

6⟩ What is grep|sort give example?

grep stands as Globally Search for Regular Expression

and Print.

It is used for displaying the pattern matching lines from

requested file or files .


11⟩ What are the general Commands in using Unix OS for a beginner?

cat command:used to create and displaying the information

present in the files.

Syntax for file creation: cat>(filename)

Syntax for displaying information in those file: cat


Syntax for Appending data in that files: cat>>(filename)

ls command: to list the files present in the system.

ls :will list all the files present in that directory.

ls -l:for long listing of the files.

ls -a:to view hidden files.

ls -ld:to get the permission for the current directory.

ls -ltr:to get the latest file in the directory.

man command:to know more information about the cmds.

Syntax:man <cmd>

eg:man ls

touch: is also used to create the multiple empty files at a


Syntax:touch f{1..10}:creates 10 empty files with names


pwd:is used to know present working directory.

cd f1 :to changed to the directory f1.

mkdir <direcoty name>:to create new directory.

rmdir <directory name>:to remove directory when it is empty


rm <filename>:to remove the files.

rm -r <direcotry name>:to remove the files in that

directory recursively.

rm -f <directoryname>:to remove the files in that directory


cp <source> <destination>: to copy the contents of one file

to another

cp -rR <s> <d>:will copy the contents of one directory to


mv <s> <d>:will move the contents of one file to another.

ls -l|grep ^d:toget the list of directories.

ls -i|grep ^_:to get the list of files.

clear-used to clear the screen


12⟩ What is difference between SSH V1 and SSH V2? What are drawbacks of SSH V2?

V1: less secure ,

lacks a strong mechanism for ensuring the

integrity of the connection.

if machine name user ogged in from is present in one of the

follwing file then connection is established.

$HOME/.rhosts, $HOME/.shosts, /etc/hosts.equiv, or


V2:More secure

provides additional mechanisms for confidential-
