⟩ How to find multiple string?
Use extended grep command
egrep 'searchstr1 | searchchstr2' file.txt
Use extended grep command
egrep 'searchstr1 | searchchstr2' file.txt
Was India required to cut its tariffs on agricultural products as a result of the Uruguay Round of agriculture negotiations?
How are subsidies provided to farmers of any concern to the WTO?
Are subsidies to farmers completely prohibited under the AoA?
Did India have to reduce subsidies provided to its farmers as a consequence of the Uruguay Round negotiations?
Are subsidies on exports of agricultural products permitted?
What are modalities?
Which are the main Coalition Groups in the Agriculture Negotiations? Is India a member of any coalition?
How will agricultural tariffs be reduced in the Doha Round?
Will tariffs on all agricultural products be cut as a result of the Doha Round negotiations?
Will India continue to have adequate policy space to raise tariffs on agricultural products even after the Doha Round?