Flight Attendant

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“Flight Attendant job preparation guide for freshers and experienced candidates. Number of Flight Attendant frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many interviews”

26 Flight Attendant Questions And Answers

21⟩ Why do I need a certificate from the In-flight Institute?

The In-flight Institute is the ONLY online Flight Attendant training school in the world that is used by airlines right here in Canada and airlines around the world.

Our member airlines gain a great advantage by selecting pre-qualified candidates from our database. This enhances the quality of their candidates while decreasing their classroom training time. The In-flight Institute provides up to 80% of the required regulatory knowledge that you need to fly; the airline will provide the rest.

If you are serious about becoming a Flight Attendant you can improve your chances with a certificate from the In-flight Institute. If you are interested in working with any of our preferred member airlines then you MUST have a certificate of completion exclusively from the In-flight Institute.


22⟩ What are the job duties and tasks of flight attendant?

► Announce and demonstrate safety and emergency procedures such as the use of oxygen masks, seat belts, and life jackets.

► Answer passengers' questions about flights, aircraft, weather, travel routes and services, arrival times, and/or schedules.

► Assist passengers in placing carry-on luggage in overhead, garment, or under-seat storage.

► Assist passengers while entering or disembarking the aircraft.

► Attend preflight briefings concerning weather, altitudes, routes, emergency procedures, crew coordination, lengths of flights, food and beverage services offered, and numbers of passengers.

► Check to ensure that food, beverages, blankets, reading material, emergency equipment, and other supplies are aboard and are in adequate supply.


23⟩ What are the basic responsibilities of a Flight Attendant?

The most visible aspects of a flight attendant's job may be safety demonstrations and serving refreshments to passengers, but the position actually carries a considerable amount of responsibility. A flight attendant acts as an ambassador between the airline and its customers by making passengers feel comfortable during the flight. Flight attendants are also effectively the administrative staff on board the aircraft, responsible for the reporting and inventory work that keeps a flight running smoothly. Their most important duty, however, is seeing to the safety of everyone on board.


24⟩ What are the responsibilities of Flight Attendant?

flight attendants attend a safety briefing with the pilots and lead flight attendant. During this briefing, they go over safety and emergency checklists, the locations and amounts of emergency equipment and other features specific to that aircraft type. Boarding particulars are verified, such as special needs passengers, small children traveling as unaccompanied or VIPs. Weather conditions are discussed including anticipated turbulence. Prior to each flight a safety check is conducted to ensure all equipment such as life-vests, torches (flashlights) and firefighting equipment are on board, in the right quantity, and in proper condition. Any unserviceable or missing items must be reported and rectified prior to takeoff. They must monitor the cabin for any unusual smells or situations.


25⟩ What are the general duties of Flight Attendant?

► Attend preflight briefings on details of the flight

► Ensure that adequate supplies of refreshments and emergency equipment are on board

► Demonstrate the use of emergency equipment

► Ensure that all passengers fasten their seatbelts

► Serve, and sometimes sell, beverages, meals, or snacks

► Take care of passengers' needs

► Assist passengers with special needs

► Reassure passengers during flight, such as when the aircraft hits turbulence

► Administer first aid to passengers, when needed

► Direct passengers in case of emergency


26⟩ Who is Flight Attendant?

Flight attendants or cabin crew (also known as stewards/stewardesses, air hosts/hostesses, cabin attendants) are members of an aircrew employed by airlines primarily to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers aboard commercial flights, on select business jet aircraft, and on some military aircraft.