Law Enforcement

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“Law Enforcement frequently Asked Questions in various Law Enforcement job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

36 Law Enforcement Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me why you want to work in law enforcement industry?

I have always appreciated and admired those who put their lives on the line to protect our communities. My interest really piqued in law enforcement however, after I witnessed a domestic dispute and watched the responding officers diffuse the situation. I heard the calling as I saw the officers control the situation and remove one of the parties from harm's way. It was then I knew that this is what I was meant to do.


2⟩ Tell us about yourself? Illustrate with examples?

I'm a very energetic and well-rounded person who can follow instructions well. I am a good communicator and quite a team player. At the last department I was with I initiated advanced medic classes for the officers who were interested in learning new first-aid techniques. It had such a positive impact that they are offering the same course again this year.


3⟩ What you think about your previous chief?

My last chief taught me the importance of time management - he didn't pull any punches, and was extremely driven. His no-nonsense attitude pushed me to work harder, and to meet goals I never even thought were possible.


5⟩ Tell me where you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years I'd like to have an even better understanding of what it takes to be a good officer. Also, I really enjoy being the first to a scene, and I work very well under pressure. Ultimately, I'd like to be in a commander-type position, where I can use my organizational skills and industry knowledge to benefit the people working with me, and those we are there to help.


6⟩ What's your greatest weakness related to public?

I've never been very comfortable with public speaking - which as you know, can be a hindrance in this field. Realizing this was a problem, I asked my previous department if I could enroll in a speech workshop. I took the class, and was able to overcome my lifelong fear. Since then, I've given several safety presentations to school children across the county. I still don't love it, but no one else can tell!"


7⟩ What salary are you looking for in Law Enforcement?

I'm more interested in the role itself than the pay. That said, I'd expect to be paid the appropriate range for this job, based on my five years of experience. I also think a fair salary would bear in mind the high cost of living here in New York City.


8⟩ Why should we hire you in Law Enforcement firm?

I've been a law enforcement officer for the past five years - my chief has said time and time again that without me, the department wouldn't function as well as it currently does. I've also taken the time to educate myself on some of the non-standard techniques that may come in handy while on duty. I can react quickly in hectic situations, and can handle the responsibilities of a leadership role. What's good enough for most people is never really good enough for me.


9⟩ What is your greatest failure which not belong to law enforcement, and what did you learn from it?

When I was in college, I took an art class to supplement my curriculum. I didn't take it very seriously, and assumed that, compared to my Engineering classes, it would be a walk in the park. My failing grades at midterm showed me otherwise. I'd even jeopardized my scholarship status. I knew I had to get my act together. I spent the rest of the semester making up for it, ended up getting a decent grade in the class. I learned that no matter what I'm doing, I should strive to do it to the best of my ability. Otherwise, it's not worth doing at all.


10⟩ Why there is a gap in your employment record?

My work is important to me, so I won't be satisfied with any old job. Instead of rushing to accept the first thing that comes my way, I'm taking my time and being selective to make sure my next position is the right one.


11⟩ Tell me when were you most satisfied in your job?

I'm a people person. I was always happiest - and most satisfied - when I was interacting with community residents, making sure I was able to meet their needs and giving them the best possible comfort in a tough situation. It was my favorite part of the job, and it showed. Part of the reason I'm interested in this job is that I know I'd have even more interaction with the public, on an even more critical level.


12⟩ What did you like least about your previous job?

There was nothing about my last job that I hated, but I guess there were some things I liked less than others. My previous role involved traveling at least twice a month. While I do love to travel, twice a month was a little exhausting - I didn't like spending quite so much time out of the department. I'm happy to see that this role involves a lot less travel.


13⟩ Tell us a time when you did not get along with a co-worker?

I used to lock heads with a fellow officer. We disagreed over a lot of things - from civilian interaction to who got what shifts to how to speak with a victim's family. Our personalities just didn't mesh. After three months of arguing, I pulled her aside and asked her to lunch. At lunch, we talked about our differences and why we weren't getting along. It turns out, it was all about communication. We communicated differently and once we knew that, we began to work well together. I really believe that talking a problem through with someone can help solve any issue.


14⟩ What motivates you in Law Enforcement?

I've always been motivated by the challenge - in my last role, I was responsible for training our new recruits in firearm care, and wouldn't stop teaching until each recruit passed the course. I know that this job is very fast-paced and I'm more than up for the challenge. In fact, I thrive on it.


15⟩ How would your friends describe your personality?

My friends would probably say that I'm extremely persistent - I've never been afraid to keep going back until I get what I want. In college I worked as a program developer, recruiting keynote speakers for major conferences. I usually got one rejection after another - this was just the nature of the job. But I really wanted the big players - so I wouldn't take no for an answer. I kept going back to them every time there was a new company on board, or some new value proposition. Eventually, many of them actually said "yes" - the program turned out to be so great that we doubled our attendees from the year before. A lot of people might have given up after the first rejection, but it's just not in my nature. If I know something is possible, I have to keep trying until I get it.


16⟩ What do you know about their agency or department?

If you go into the interview not knowing anything about this particular job, it makes you look bad. The interviewers will ask themselves, Why would this person apply with us when he or she does not know anything about us? Lacking this knowledge makes it look like you are applying with any agency just to get your foot in the door. Even if this is true you do not want to give the appearance that you will use this agency as a stepping stone to a career with another agency. You do not have to know everything about this agency. However, take the time to read up on this agency. Prepare yourself for this question.


17⟩ Why do you want a career in law enforcement firm?

If you have always wanted to be a police officer since you were a little kid, then tell them that. Of course, what they really want to know is specifically why do you want to go into law enforcement? If you tell them you want to kick butt and arrest people, you will not pass the interview. Tell them what it is about law enforcement you find attractive. Maybe you like investigative work and would enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out what happened or who did it. Emphasize the high moral standards you have. Protecting your community is something you would like to do.

The panel may also ask why you want a job with their specific agency or department. Do not tell them you always wanted a job with them. Do not tell them they are the best agency even if you feel that way. They will not view your answer as sincere. To them, it looks like you are saying whatever you need to say to get the job. In this case, flattery will get you nowhere. You should tell them what you like about their agency. If you have heard good things about their department, then tell them that. If you know someone who works for them, you can probably mention their name. Tell them that this person had good things to say about them. Be honest but do not try to snowball them. After all, these are police officers that are interviewing you.


18⟩ Have you applied to any other law enforcement agencies?

The reality is you should apply with every agency you are interested in. Putting all of your eggs in one basket greatly limits your chances of getting into law enforcement. Do not be afraid to answer this question. Tell them every agency you have applied with. They may even ask you what your hiring status is with these other agencies. This does not make you look bad. It shows you are determined to get into law enforcement.


19⟩ What are your goals in Law Enforcement or in life?

Usually this refers to your goals in law enforcement. However, they may ask you about your goals in life. The key is to give them some specific goals which are obtainable. Saying that your goal is to be the best police officer or agent that you can be is too vague. Is your goal to be the Director or Chief? This may be your goal and one day you may achieve that status. However, at this point in time, you should start with smaller goals. Tell them your first goal is to get into law enforcement. Your second goal may be to join a specialized field within the department. Perhaps you want to be on the SWAT team or serve as a canine officer or become a supervisor. If you are able to articulate your goals, this makes you a more desirable candidate.


20⟩ What qualities do you possess?

This question may also be asked in other ways such as, What are your strong points? or What assets will you bring to this agency? This is your chance to brag about yourself. Everyone has good qualities. Tell them what characteristics you possess that will help you in your job performance. There is a big difference between articulating your strength and boasting. State things as matter-of-fact and avoid embellishing. If you were in a supervisory position, make clear your ability to manage people. Avoid statements such as: Everyone likes me or Everyone knew how well I did this. State your strengths as measurable or documented things. Such statements would be: There was a low turn over during the time I was a supervisor or My boss gave me additional responsibilities. Being liked is an admirable trait but showing your ability to perform is more important. Take some time before the interview and think about your strong points.