21⟩ What is Record Meta Data?
Tables holding Record Meta Data including fields, field type, indexes, and tablespace.
“PeopleSoft Tools job preparation guide for freshers and experienced candidates. Number of PeopleSoft Tools frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many interviews”
Tables holding Record Meta Data including fields, field type, indexes, and tablespace.
Tables holding individual query Meta Data.
Tables holding Security Information.
Tables holding SQL Object definitions.
Tables holding Translate Values for individual fields.
Tree Definition and Properties
Folders and records (nodes of the tree/tree node type)
Tree Branch
Tree Leaf
Tree Level
Application package is a container for application subpackages and application classes, which will provide a hierarchical structure to your PeopleCode programs and help you extend the common functionality of existing PeopleCode classes from one application to another.
Well, Component variables can be used to carry data from one section to another. The scope of component variable remains throughout the program . They can be used in place of state record provided you do not want a restart facility and dynamic section calls.
You can use SQLExec to do the same.
The value of EMPLID gets stored in the variable &Emplid.
Benefits of set control field:
If we specify one field as a set control field then we will retrieve data based on this when we are using prompt table. Based on this field only we can have valid prompt list at the time of prompt button clicking.
by using edittable.
A: Login to database through App Designer as a source database.
B: Click on upgrade tab and open the project which contains roles which you want to migrate.
C: Double click on Roles folder under the opened project.
D: Select Action as "Copy".
E: Go to Tools > Copy Project > To Database.....
F: Give database name (Target Database) to which you want to migrate roles.
G: Click on "OK"
H: Select "Roles" from different objects and copy that roles.
I: After completion of Copying, double click on Roles folder under the opened project and verify that "Done" checkbox should be checked.
Tables holding PeopleTools project change history and current locks on Tools objects.
Tables holding PeopleTools Field information.
Find field values for the following:
Tables holding Menu Meta Data.
Tables holding Message Catalog Entries.
Tables holding the process and job definitions along with information necessary to run a process.
Table holding PeopleTools project information (all objects in the project).
Tables holding Tree Manager Meta Data.