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“Certified Quality Engineer related Frequently Asked Questions in various Quality Engineer based job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

80 Quality Engineer Questions And Answers

41⟩ Define what is Bug Triage?

★ Ensure bug report completeness.

★ Analyze and assign bug to proper component.

★ Assign bug to proper bug owner.

★ Set appropriate bug priority.

★ Adjust bug severity properly.


42⟩ Described Traceability Matrix?

Trace-ability Matrix is a method used to validate the compliance of product with requirements for that product. The requirement is written in a row of the matrix and the columns of the matrix. Now they are used to identify how and where each requirement has been addressed.

It is in the form of table that correlates two base lined documents that require a many-to-many relationship. It is used with high level requirement and detailed requirement of the software product to the matching parts of high level design, detailed design, test plan, and test cases. The relationship to the source documents is required for both backward trace-ability and forward trace-ability.


43⟩ Describe Monkey testing?

Monkey testing is a type of Black Box Testing used mostly at the Unit Level. In this tester enter the data in any format and check the software is not crashing. In this testing we use Smart monkey and Dumb monkey.

★ Smart monkeys are used for load and stress testing, they will help in finding the bugs. They are very expensive to develop.

★ Dumb monkey, they are important for basic testing. They help in finding those bugs which are having high severity. Dumb monkey are less expensive as compare to Smart monkeys.


44⟩ What tests ensure in Quality Engineering?

★ The number of parameters sent in a message agrees with the number of parameters expected to receive.

★ The parameter order in the message match the order expected.

★ The field sizes and data type match.

★ When a message is generated from stored data prior to being sent, the message truly reflects the stored data.

★ When a received message is stored, data copying is consistent with the received message.


45⟩ Define random testing in Quality Engineering?

★ The input domain is selected.

★ Test inputs are selected independently from the domain.

★ The system under test is executed on these inputs. The inputs constitute a random test set.

★ The results are compared to the system specification. The test is a failure if any input leads to incorrect results, otherwise it is a success.


47⟩ Define Capability Maturity Model (CMM) in Quality Engineering?

Divided in five levels:

1) Initial:

The organization is characterized by an adhoc set of activities. The processes aren't defined and success depends on individual effort and heroics.

2) Repeatable:

In this level some processes are repeatable, possibly with consistent results.

3) Defined:

In this level, we define all processes are documented for both management and engineering activities, and standards.

4) Managed:

Detailed measures of each process are defined and product quality data is routinely collected. Both process and products are quantitatively understood and controlled.

5) Optimizing:

In this we optimize the application by following improvement process.


48⟩ What is paradigms for interfacing module?

Procedure Call Interface:

A procedure from one module calls to procedure of another module. The caller can pass data to the called procedure while calling and also the called procedure can pass data to the caller while returning control back to the caller procedure.

Shared Memory:

When a block of memory is shared between two modules. The memory block may be allocated by one of the two modules or third module of the same application.

Message Passing Interface:

One module generates a message and sends the message to another module. It helps in building up the communication between different process or modules.


49⟩ Which factors are responsible for estimation of system integration test cycle and total integration time?

★ Relative complexity of the modules.

★ Relative complexity of the interface between the modules.

★ Number of modules in the system.

★ Number of modules needed to be clustered together in each test cycle.

★ Whether the modules to be integrated have been adequately tested before.

★ Turnaround time for each test-debug-fix cycle.


50⟩ Define the need of Test Plan document in Quality Engineering?

Test Plan tells the tester that what needs to be tested and how testing is going to be performed. Test plan also tells that what resources are needed for the execution of the test cases, timelines and risk associated with the test plan. We can also perform the testing without test plan document, but first we have to select test Approach for the testing and go with testing. Many test plans are being created just for the sake of processes. Many tester use test plan documents when test plan document contains the some useful information.


51⟩ Described Agile Testing in Quality Engineering?

Agile Testing means to quickly validation of the client requirements and make the application of good quality user interface. When the build is released to the testing team, testing of the application is started to find the bugs. As a Tester, we need to focus on the customer or end user requirements. We put the efforts to deliver the quality product in spite of short time frame which will further help in reducing the cost of development and test feedback's will be implemented in the code which will avoid the defects coming from the end user.


52⟩ Explain the difference between test effectiveness and test efficiency?

★ Test Efficiency is the ratio of number of test cases executed by unit of time (generally per hour).

★ It is the amount of code and testing resources required by a program to perform a particular function. Test Effectiveness evaluates the effect of the test environment on the application.

★ Test Effectiveness is a measure by the customer response on meeting product requirements where as Test Efficiency is a measure of optimum utilization of resources to create the Software product.


53⟩ Why we perform the load testing in Quality Engineering?

The reason to perform the load testing is to determine response times of application processes and transactions to establish whether they are within acceptable time limit or not, as per user requirement. It also measures the capability of an application to function correctly under load by measuring the systems key performance indicators.


54⟩ Why we perform the Performance testing in Quality Engineering?

Performance Testing is performed to determine response time of the some components of the system perform under a particular workload. It is generally measured in terms of response time for the user activity. It is designed to test the overall performance of the system at high load and stress condition.


55⟩ What is Use Case in Quality Engineering?

A use case is a description of the process which is performed by the end user for a particular task. Use case contains a sequence of step which is performed by the end user to complete a specific task or a step by step process that describe how the application and end user interact with each other. Use case is written by the user point of view.


56⟩ What is Use Case Testing in Quality Engineering?

The use case testing uses this use case to evaluate the application. So that, the tester can examines all the functionalities of the application. Use case testing cover whole application, tester performs this testing in step by step process to complete one task.


57⟩ Why Gantt Chart is used in Quality Engineering?

A Gantt Chart is used to represent a project schedule that includes duration of individual tasks or phases, their dependencies and ordering.

★ It displays the start and end points of each task and the percentage of completion of each task

★ It allows the planner to assess the duration of a project, identify the resources needed, and lay out the order in which tasks need to be performed.

★ It is useful in managing the dependencies between tasks.

★ Using Gantt chart each team member can view the product development schedule.


58⟩ Do you know how to find all Bugs in first round of Testing?

There could be several reasons for not debugging the entire bug in the first round of testing process. Debugging the showstopper in the first or second build is almost impossible. A found defect can cover up the other defects in the application. The thread which leads to on defect could be redirected to another defect, as the tester find the bug and lock that bug in report and after fixing of those bugs new bugs may also arises. It is difficult to keep testing on a known defective application. That is the reason we cannot find all the bug in first run and also we cannot perform Exhaustive testing.


59⟩ What are the roles of Bug Tracking System in Quality Engineering?

★ Testers and developers can know the status of the bug at every stage.

★ Changes to the Status will be available to all team members.

★ Developers and Testers can easily interact with bugs.

★ Repetition of bugs will be avoided.

★ Easy to distribute the bug among the developer.

★ It will act as a centralized one for defects.