21⟩ What is lustre?
A description of the manner in which light reflects from a mineral surface.
“Geology based Frequently Asked Questions in various Geology job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”
A description of the manner in which light reflects from a mineral surface.
A mineral composed of iron oxide.
A mining term for a horizontal passage underground that follows along the length of a vein or rock formation.
A compound of two or more metals, usually produced by fusion.
A product containing the valuable metal from which most of the waste material in ore has been eliminated.
Geology is the primary science in the study of Earth Sciences. Geology involves exploring and investigating the Earth and its properties and resources in every dimension.
A hole drilled for the purpose of blasting rather than for exploration or geological information.
The breaking down and subsequent removal of either rock or earthy surface material by the forces of nature.
The solid outermost shell of the Earth.
A natural concentration of minerals which can be mined and can render profitability.
A person who searches for mineral deposits.
Very fine particles of rock fragments between sand and clay sizes, which are often carried by moving water and deposited as sediment.
Oceanographers investigate the physical, chemical, biological, and geologic dynamics of oceans.
In construction, rock fragments that range from sand-sized grains to gravel-sized.
Natural materials composed of very small mineral particles which can be molded when wet.
Property of a mineral that allows it to split along crystal planes.
The outermost layer or shell of the Earth which varies from 6 to 60 kilometres in depth/thickness.
An unconsolidated or loose natural accumulation of rounded rock fragments which are coarser than sand.
Magma forced through volcanic action to the Earth’s surface.
A resource of Earth, which once extracted, cannot be replaced within a human's lifetime.