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“SEO Expert frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in SEO Expert. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

110 SEO Expert Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is Search Engine?

Search Engines are very critical key element useful to find out specific and relevant information through the huge extent of World Wide Web.


4⟩ Explain different techniques used in Off Page SEO?

There are lots of techniques used in Off-page SEO work. Major Techniques are:

☛ Directory Submission

☛ Social Bookmarking

☛ Blog Post

☛ Article Post

☛ Press Release Submission

☛ Forum Posting

☛ Yahoo Answer

☛ Blog Comment

☛ Deep link Directory Submission

☛ Regional Directory Submission and all that.


5⟩ What is On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO is the process of optimizing a website which includes on-site work such as writing content, title, description, ALT tag, Meta tags as well as ensuring web-page's code and design which can be indexed and crawled by search engines properly.


6⟩ What is Off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO is the method of earning back-links from other websites in order to enhance the ranking of the site. This method includes various method of SEO including Blog posting, forum, article submission, Press release submission, classified and miscellaneous.


7⟩ What are articles for SEO Expert?

The articles are concerned with a specific topic or event and are highly oriented towards an opinion instead of information. An article is supposed to be more oriented towards showing up opinions, views and idea. Generally, it is written by a third party or expert of any specific field.


8⟩ What is Google?

Google is the world's largest and renowned search engine incorporating about 66.8%(approximately) of market share. It was introduced in 1998 by students of Stanford University students Sergey Brin and Larry Page. The unique algorithmic ranking system is considered as its key of success. Besides Google Mail services there are various worthy and useful tools are being offered absolutely free which include Blogger, Feedburner, YouTube, Google Plus, Adsense, Webmaster Tools, Adword, Analytics and many more.


9⟩ What is press release for SEO Expert?

Press Release is related to a specific action or event which can be republished by distinct medium of mass-media including other websites. It should be simple, short and professional. It conveys a clear message or information.


10⟩ Explain meta tags?

HTML meta tags are usually referred as tags of page data which sits between opening and closing head tags of a document's HTML code. Actually these are hidden keywords who sits in the code. These are invisible to visitors but are visible and readable by Search Engines.


11⟩ Give me a example of Meta Tags?



<title>Not considered as Meta Tag, even required anyway

<meta name="description" content="Write your description here" />

<meta name="keywords" content="Write your keyword here" />



12⟩ What is Black Hat SEO?

In order to attain High Ranking in search engine result page, websites go for various methods and techniques which are characterized by two categories.

The method which are less acceptable or instructed to avoid in search engine guidelines are Black Hat SEO.


13⟩ What is White Hat SEO?

The methods which are implemented and acceptable according to search engine guidelines are White Hat SEO.


14⟩ Explain Black Hat SEO techniques?

Some Black Hat SEO techniques are:

☛ Keyword Stuffing

☛ Cloaking

☛ Doorway Pages or Gateway Pages

☛ Link Farming

☛ Hidden Text, etc.


15⟩ What is spider for SEO Expert?

Spider also called as bot, crawler or robot is a set of computer program that browses the World Wide Web in methodical and orderly fashion as well automatically scan the webpages and website for updated content and download a copy to its data center to index.


17⟩ What is Nofollow link?

Nofollow link is exactly vice-versa of dofollow link. These are non-crawling link which is not passed by search engine bots and hence can't be cached or indexed. It is obvious when we wish to prevent a link from crawling and indexing.


18⟩ What is Dofollow link?

Dofollow link is a kind of hyperlink which says all search engine crawlers to pass through which also put an impact over page rank. When we opt to employ or attempt to achieve a dofollow link then it is counted by search engines and sits in the eye of Google, Bing, MSN, Yahoo etc. as a backlink for your website and enhances your site ranking.


19⟩ What is page rank for SEO Expert?

Page Rank is a set of algorithm for link analysis named after Larry (the computer scientist) Page and employed by Google search engine towards defining a numerical value from 1 to 10 to each component of hyper-linked documents like the world wide web. The value accepts only round figure that means decimal are not allowed. Page rank is calculated by their inbound links.


20⟩ What is PR for SEO Expert?

PR is Page Rank which is defined by quality inbound links from other website or webpages to a web page or website as well as say the importance of that site.