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110 SEO Expert Questions And Answers

41⟩ Tell me under what circumstances we intend to eliminate pages from search engines through robots.txt vs. Meta robots tag?

Generally, I would continue to employ robots.txt in order to make search engine indexing a directory on a website. This might be often a directory that is concerned with admin function or incorporate contents only in the form of script or image gallery. Generally, robots.txt is employed to prevent a directory and its sub-folders and files to crawl by search engine bot as well as Meta robots tag for a specific web page.


46⟩ Explain those steps that one should follow to optimize a website?

☛ First of all we will interview webmaster or website owner to congregate relevant information, goals and website's purpose.

☛ Performing keyword analysis and find out the best search volume keywords that should be incorporated into the website as well as individual pages of the website.

☛ Analyzing the content of website in order to ensure usage of content relevant keywords and phrases. This comprises titles, "alt" attributes and META tags (Meta Title, Meta description & Meta Keyword).

☛ Target & implementing keywords as H1, H2 & so on relevant to the site and its content.

☛ Analyzing website navigation.

☛ Ensuring the robots.txt file and sitemap existence as well as check their efficiency.

☛ If required, making recommendations for modifications in website as well as its each and every page and so on.


48⟩ Tell me your opinion about link buying?

Generally I avoid this practice. Though other means of paid marketing are also available. The process of link buying is not liked by search engines. It doesn't come under the guidelines of search engine.


51⟩ Explain those strategies would you implement for backlinks?

I would request for back-links to a competitor's relevant website as well as a provide reciprocal link if required. In addition, I would attempt to submit a press release, article submission, blog submission and other aspects of off-page SEO to most relevant and quality sites.


52⟩ What is social media in SEO strategy?

Social networking websites are considered as social media which is very effective and robust for viral marketing. Viral marketing has proven as a very powerful resource, in the case if our content is unique, attractive and appealing.


54⟩ To prevent penalty, what things you shouldn't perform to increase ranking?

I would discard links from those websites which is supposed to act as link farm as well as poor quality sites which have low page rank. Ensure that our site must contain unique and quality content without keyword stuffing. Also, I used to avoid any practices of 'spam' which include certain affiliate advertising websites, unsolicited e-mail campaigns etc.


56⟩ What is RSS for SEO Expert?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication is useful to frequently publish all updated works including news headlines, blog entries etc. This RSS document also known as web feed, feed or channel that incorporate summarized text including metadata i.e. authorship and publishing dates etc.

However, RSS feeds make the publishers flexible by syndicating the content automatically. There is a standardized file format XML that lets the information to be published once which can be visible to several distinct programs. Also, this makes readers more ease to get updates timely by allowing them to subscribe from their favorite sites.


57⟩ Can you please explain the difference between keyword & keyword phrase?

The keyword term is basically concerned with a one-word term, on the other hand a keyword phrase considered as employment of two or more words combination. Therefore, it is very confounded to get high ranking in account of one-word keyword term until the one-word keyword has little online competition. Therefore, this practice is not encouraged to employ. In order to drive more traffic and top ranking in SERP it is recommended to employ keyword phrase.


59⟩ What is keyword stemming for SEO Expert?

It is the practice to find out root word from search query. For instance, a keyword like "playful" will be split to the word "play" by stemming algorithm that turns it possible. Thus, the search result appears on the screen will contain the word "play" in it.


60⟩ What is LSI for SEO Expert?

LSI is the abbreviated form of Latent Semantic Indexing. It has been emerged as a technique of fetching data via establishing a communication among words as well as employing synonyms in the midst of retrieving the data from the index.