1⟩ Explain if Gateway Server is not present cant we do Load Balancing?
We can't do with the 3rd Party load balancer like resonator. but, can do with HTTP load balancer in the web server.
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We can't do with the 3rd Party load balancer like resonator. but, can do with HTTP load balancer in the web server.
This is not true . Actually BC search specification will be replaced by Applet Search specification(NOT appended) and finally you will get the data queried using Applet search spec.
When we set search spec in BC and Applet it will do an AND between the Search spec of BC and Applet. For Exp: Bc level search spec is Name=Vijay and Applet level Country=India then the records display where Name=Vijay and Country=India.
Create a MVF in Parent BC,And also a Calculated Field with Calculated Value as Sum [MVF].
To be more specific, you may need to have a link/multivalue link and multivalue value [that actually holds the score value] and finally the calculated field to hold the definition as SUM
In Siebel 7.8 there is no restriction in the number of columns in tables, but depending on the frequency of use and the relationship you should use it discretely (when 1:1 relation is there).
Its better to extent the base table rather than the extenstion table. As per the Siebel best parctice we are supposed to extent the base table only if the required type columns are not persent in the extension table.
S_BU is primarily created , to provide a setup to have multiple organizations in the same application. This concept will be very useful when people store the information about 'sister' concern which always say...
At this moment, it is important to differentiate the different critical business entities across organizations, such as ACCOUNT, PRODUCT, POSITION and so on which are in the top hierarchy...... Thats why to identify an unique account across organization, BU_ID has been added into the user key of most of the table, and thus Inserting these data into siebel through EIM/Regular IMport requires BU_ID to get populated...
Populate Method Invoked of button(control). Add a BC user property for invoking BS using method mentioned on applet control
For script currently in PreCanInvokeMethod that always permits a method to be executed, make use of the Named Method n User Property. Using the existing script on PB Sales Activity Form Applet as an example, the process for making use of the user property instead of the existing script is as follows:
Add a new applet user property to the applet:
Named Method 1: mthdGotoAccount 'INVOKE', mthdGotoAccount
Note: This user property only works with the CSSFrameBase (for form applets) and CSSFrameListBase (for list applets) classes.
In Tools,, click the Link Object type and query for both the entities for which u want to see the relation
In Tools. Select the Business Component. Then in 'View' Menui Select Visualise->View Relationships to see the Entity Relationships
select that applet in tools and in OBLE there is an option called
"HTML no of rows"
specify the number of rows u want
EIM tables are interface tables, when we want to export or import data from siebel base tables we need first to get the data from tha base tables to interface tables, the EIM component will have the .IFB file, in that file we need to specify type, source table, target table, batch number. it will successfuly export or import the data.
User properties are object definitions that allow you to configure specialized behavior beyond what is configured in the parent object definition?s properties.
Dynamic pick list there is no bounded and unbounded options
Bounded and unbounded is available only static
in static bounded pick list we can't able to enter the values
only unbounded we can able to enter the values
select the 'Multivalued' property to true. and need to take care about the MVL and Destination Field.
We can send email by using out of box Business Service- Outbound Communication Manager and selecting appropriate method to send the email with or without template. This service can be called through a script or through a workflow process where this Business service is a step in it.
It's much easier to use an EBC in stead of a VBC.
Define an external table in tools. Define a new (external)BC on that table.
Create a new datasource in profile configuration (or, for dedicated client, in your .cfg). Specify this datasource on the table definition level,on the BC AND in the OM named datasources list. Now you can work with it (almost) as if it is a local table.
Disadvantage migth be that you can only access db's supported by Siebel (like oracle, db2, sqlserver). For other db's you probably have to resort to a VBC and sripting.
In Tools. Select the business component. Then in 'View' menu select Visualise, view relationships to see the entity relationships.
To import records as URL links into the S_LIT base table, the FILE_NAME column must not be null and the FILE_EXT column must be null for URLs.
To import international phone numbers, the phone number must be prefixed with a plus (+) sign and the country code. For example, an international phone number with a country code of 44 should have the following format: +44123456789. Any phone number without a preceding plus sign in the database will be treated as country's phone number. This will lead to the display of +1 in front of the phone number and the use of the corresponding PHONE_FORMAT if the regional settings of the client are different.
Using the criteria "DELETE MATCHES = EIM_PARTY, (CREATED > xxxxx)" will cause all records of S_PARTY that matches this criteria to be deleted from the database.
No, you should not remove unnecessary seed data by deleting all rows from the S_LST_OF_VAL base table. If you do so, you will not be able to reimport "clean" data and you will be forced to rebuild the seed data or restore from backup.
A single siebel enterprise server can have one db server(a 3rd party RDBMS) this scenario is possible. A single siebel enterprise server can have multiple or more than one db server(multiple 3rd party RDBMS.