News / Article Writers

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“News / Article Writers related Frequently Asked Questions in various News And Article Writers job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

68 News / Article Writers Questions And Answers

61⟩ Tell me what different styles, tones and voices do you have experience writing in?

A key part of building a strong, cohesive brand is establishing a style, tone and voice for all of the content you create. Some good writers can write well in a variety of styles, while others are more limited. It doesn’t matter which you hire, but you want someone who will be able to match the style, tone and voice you’ve decided on for your brand.


64⟩ Explain me a situation in which you were given feedback on a content piece?

☛ Why it’s important to ask this: I certainly want a content marketer to have an opinion about what works and what doesn’t work. However, it’s also important that they can accept critiques about their work and make changes as necessary.

☛ What to look out for: Understand what type of feedback they received, how it made them feel—and most importantly—what they did with that feedback.


67⟩ Tell us about the best book you’ve read recently?

The best writers love to read, and not just blogs and e-zines. On my list of acceptable answers would be any marketing or general business book, as well as any book that shows your writer is a well-rounded individual.


68⟩ Tell me what do you enjoy about writing?

☛ Why it’s important to ask this: Content marketing is a lot more than writing; however, I consider this talent to be a foundational element of a superstar content marketer. You have to love what you do.

☛ What to look out for: Look for indicators that they have a passion for writing. Understand what drives their passion, what outlets they’ve used to express this passion, and what personal benefits they get out of creating content.