Functional Testing

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“Functional Testing frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Functional Testing. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

25 Functional Testing Questions And Answers

21⟩ Write the Functional Test Case clearly for the water Heater?

Functional test cases tests the basic functionality of the product.

For water heater we can have following test cases:

1. Verify if it heats the water.

2. Check if it satisfied the claims mentioned in specification document like: electricity consumption, works on 3-Phase or 1-Phase current, maximum capacity of water it can heat, risk factors and protection factors (from current).

3. The weight of the geyser.


23⟩ Tell me how many possibilities are there to test a text field? What are they?

If my understanding is right. You can test the below conditions, which are BVA.

(If assumed the max length is 10)

1. Leave the field blank.(0)-If the requirement says the field is mandatory then this test should fail. If not should allow to leave it blank.

2. Enter any text with length max-1(9)

3. Enter any text with maximum length(10)

4. Enter any text with length max+1(11)

In Most cases ECP is not defined. But if its defined for example the requirement is A-Z,a-z and 0-9 are the only valid set.

Then you can test the below conditons:

1.It should give an error when a spl character is entered.

Depending on the priority of the the requirement. You can test different conditions like.a) having a spl char at start

b) having a spl char at the end. and etc.


25⟩ What is the min and Max length of password?

Testing application with some boundary values


Before the value

Beyound the Value

there are three types of inputs for an module


Entering the values before the current and correct value

accurate input value

beyound the value