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“Raw Material Incharge based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Incharge Raw Material. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

79 Incharge Raw Material Questions And Answers

1⟩ Do you know what is QMS?

QMS stands for Quality Management System; it documents all necessary information about company’s design and operational controls, including issue reporting, monitoring, continuous improvement and training, to make sure that company delivers continuous product.


2⟩ Do you know what is SCAR (Supplier Corrective Action Request)?

Manufacturers are highly dependent on their raw material suppliers, to communicate with them effectively SCAR is used. It is a change request that mentions the issues with the process or material from a supplier and ask for a resolution. It sometimes also includes the details about how the complaint should be addressed.


5⟩ Suppose we hire you, what is the guarantee that you will work with us for a longer time and avoid switching further like you are right now?

Due to my safe work record and stable work history, it is guaranteed that I would work for you in long-term. . I have always wanted to be a part of your company considering the safe and standardized work environment you provide to your employees, so obviously you can have my words as dreams don’t change in short periods of time.


7⟩ Tell me the difference between counter trade & reciprocal trading?

Cash poor countries and organizations engage in counter trading by exchanging commodities of equal value. Counter trading offers cash poor countries and organizations greater access to the world markets by offering them an alternate method of acquiring goods. Reciprocal trading provides participating nations with equivalent competitive trading opportunities based on mutual agreements negotiated to adjust tariffs, duties, and customs restrictions in order to increase foreign trade and improve border-to-border relationships among participating countries.


10⟩ Explain why are Purchasing Cards so popular?

Purchasing cards are a purchasing tool many progressive companies use to purchase and pay for low dollar purchases. Purchasing cards reduce the cost of doing business while preserving purchasing controls.


11⟩ Tell me why do you want to work here as Incharge Raw Material?

Also try to look for news articles about the company, their recent successes and challenges, any information in the press about the developments of the industry they work in. Come up with concrete reasons which show your interest and enthusiasm for why you want to work for the company,

When I visited your website I found out your carrying out project X and with my background in procurement, I think I would be an asset to you and the project by adding value with my knowledge in tendering procedures and systems.


12⟩ Do you know what is the term BOM?

BOM stands for Bill Of Materials; it is a list of item or parts that makeup a product assembly. For example, a lawn mower requires a handle assembly, metal deck assembly, a control assembly, motor and blade assembly.


13⟩ Tell me how to supervise in a manufacturing unit?

Supervising a manufacturing process includes attending to the individual phases of the production. Also, manufacturing supervisor should have a close eye on the inventory that going to be used.

☛ Step 1: Keep the records of different phases of manufacturing also analyse whether the amount of product produced by the crew is enough to meet the demand

☛ Step 2: Look for the bottlenecks in the unit and see how you can eliminate it

☛ Step 3: Keep the track of inventory and try to reduce the liquid capital used after unused material

☛ Step 4: Examine the final goods to determine whether they meet the company’s quality standards.


14⟩ Tell me what is GMP?

GMP is a good manufacturing practice and is recognized worldwide for the control and management of manufacturing and quality control testing of foods, medical devices and pharmaceutical products.


20⟩ Tell me how do you conduct a source initiative before you perform purchasing duties?

One of the most important aspects of a purchasing agent is to conduct research. I perform a series of research activities once I am given a purchase order. I employ my own knowledge along with taking benefit of suggested avenues and locate the best possible source for purchase depending on price, quantity, location and quality.