Retail Store Manager

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“Retail Store Manager related Frequently Asked Questions in various Retail Store Manager job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

53 Retail Store Manager Questions And Answers

41⟩ Hypothetical Retail Store Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ An employee has been arriving 30 mins late to work everyday. Why do you think this is? What would you do?

☛ A certain product is being sold at the same price, same quantity, etc. (i.e. same product) as the competitors, but the product at our stores is not selling well as compared to the competitors. Why do you think this is? What would you do about it?

☛ You had to give a presentation with other colleagues. The others got “good” as their grade, but you got “acceptable”. Why do you think this is? What would you do about it?

☛ The interviewer pretended he was a customer and I had to sell him a few things


42⟩ Sample Math Related Retail Store Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ The customer's purchase totals $13.93. She gives you a ten dollar bill and a five dollar bill. How much change do you give her?

☛ If one bottle of soda costs .99, how much do three bottles cost? How much do they cost with 5% tax added on?

☛ Each pot of coffee holds 6 cups. We usually sell 10 cups of coffee every fifteen minutes. How many pots of coffee will you need to make during our two-hour rush?How many pots of coffee will you need to make?

☛ Potato chips are on sale at half price. They sell for $1.19. How much is 50% off?

☛ A customer buys $27 worth of gas. He gives you a $50 bill. How much change do you give him?

☛ 55 x 20 =

☛ 24 - 48 =

☛ 62 + 28 + 14 + 36 =

☛ 82.20 - 53.66 =

☛ 15 x 7% =

☛ 8.50 x 4% =

☛ 19 x 15%


43⟩ Operational and Situational Retail Store Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ Who are our main competitors?

☛ What tasks, when executed incorrectly, directly impact sales?

☛ A product is selling well at our competitors’ stores but not at our store. Why do you think this is?

☛ Describe the inventory process at your previous store. What are the necessary steps?

☛ How would you address shrink in your store?

☛ What’s the most important decision you make every day as a store manager?

☛ How would you teach a colleague how to close the register?

☛ What is your opinion on being friends with your coworkers?

☛ Describe a time you resolved a conflict between your colleagues.

☛ How do you think your colleagues would describe you as a manager?

☛ How many people have you fired at your last job? Why did you fire them?

☛ What would you do if you had an employee who was frequently late?

☛ What would you do if you had an employee who refused to follow a new policy?

☛ What strategies do you prefer for motivating employees?


44⟩ Basic Retail Store Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ Tell me a little about yourself

☛ How are you customer orientated?

☛ Tell me about yourself academically and socially, any hobbies, other awards or skills you may have.

☛ What have you got to offer the company?

☛ What skills can you offer the company?

☛ Why should we pick you?

☛ What are your strengths?

☛ What are your weaknesses?

☛ How would you deal will employees who are older than you and don't like you because of your age?


45⟩ Why do you want to work in retail? Why do you want to work for us? Why do you want to be a buyer/merchandiser/store manager etc? What do you think this role involves? Why do you think it would suit you? This role requires relocating several times. Are you able/happy to do this?

Interview questions that involve asking ‘why’ are often referred to as motivational questions. Recruiters want to know what is motivating you to apply for a particular job with them, rather than for any other job with any other company. The key to answering this type of question well is to be specific and avoid giving generic answers about the retailer’s size or success, for instance. This will require you to do some research into the job and the company that you’re applying for so you can give a tailored answer.

To research the retailer, read its website thoroughly and identify specific things that interest you so you can discuss them in the interview. For example, familiarise yourself with the retailer’s values and identify any that you share, learn about projects or initiatives that it runs and research its role in society. You can also make notes on any recent news stories about the retailer that may have inspired you to work for it, such as information on its financial performance or any innovative sales tactics.


46⟩ Explain me you walked through the store on the way in and have possibly shopped here before, what would you recommend doing to improve this store?

The answer to this question is another tricky one. Your first impulse is to assume “this company doesn’t want to hear I think the store looks like crap.” Of course, you don’t want to use those exact words, but provide an honest answer. The best answers for retail management interview questions are honest ones. Ideal suggestions include have an employee greet me when I walk through the door, remove bulky displays in the aisles that hinder cart movement, and so forth.


47⟩ Tell me what do you feel are the basic qualities that a retail manager should have?

A general yet brief answer would be vision, planning and follow through. An idea is just that until it is actualized. A manager needs to do just that – manage others, according to a planned and thought out strategy.

A retail manager is similar to the proprietor of a store and has many responsibilities as compared to the other employees. If a retail manager is good at planning and has a vision for the future, he or she can take the company to the next level.


48⟩ Tell me how do you see our brand?

This one is such an important question, and is something of an extension to the first question. In fact, you may get your answer to this in the first answer. You want to hire someone who understands your brand, because, after all, your sales people are the face of your brand.

If you’re a manager at an upscale clothing store which prides itself on excellent customer service, you can’t hire someone who believes that your clothes are terrible quality and they can give your customers minimal service. That’s a no-brainer.


49⟩ Suppose you have worked as a retail manager before, what did you like the most in your job and what did you not like?

It is always good to start and end on a positive note. Make a list of the pros and cons of your previous job(s). Pick a few facets and add some specific examples. Speak about the most important first, and end with an upbeat anecdote. In the middle, speak briefly about a negative aspect. Speak with others in this field to get a better idea of what to emphasize.


50⟩ Tell me how would you handle a problem employee, such as someone who consistently arrives late to work?

The answer to this question might seem a little bit tricky. After all, a good company does not want an employee who wastes company time and money on their payroll. However, an answer such as “terminate them immediately” might be jumping the gun too fast. One of the best answers for retail management interview questions along this line is an answer that involves checking their work history, providing a clear and simple reminder, and then possibly termination if an improvement was not made in a timely matter.


51⟩ Tell me can you create X with our product? (Or Sell me that product and a related product.)?

You want to know this prospect has the ability to mix and match items first for suggestive selling reasons. You need to know that your prospect can take a client buying a bedspread and show them the benefits of buying matching sheets.

Secondly, if you’re a clothes seller, you want to know that your sales person can do more than just suggestive sell. You need someone who can style an outfit.

Of course, your prospect does not have the benefit of having the inventory virtually memorized like you do, so you have to allow for a little bit of extra time. But overall, anyone who’s got a natural knack for sales should be able to pick out two related items and give some sort of pitch as to why you should buy them together.


52⟩ Tell me as a new store manager, how would you delegate tasks to your coworkers?

This type of interview question for a retail management position is designed to get an idea of your method of management. Are you a manager who just goes with the flow? By the way, these aren’t the type of store managers that most retailers look for. If you were, your response would include letting each employee perform the tasks they normally do. If you were a take-charge kind of manager who is interested in producing the best results, your answer would involve assessing and communicating with each coworker first. The goal is to determine who is the most productive at what and go from there.


53⟩ Explain how do you go about familiarizing yourself with the products you sell?

Product knowledge is key to providing good customer service. There are a number of ways that product knowledge can be learned such as informational material, on-line information, other employees and training. Focus on your proactive attempts to learn about the products including asking questions and reading up about the products.