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“Car Repairman based Frequently Asked Questions in various Car Repairman job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

86 Car Repairman Questions And Answers

2⟩ Explain me what Do You Understand By Cc Of Engine?

The meaning of CC is cubic centimeters. It represents the total volume of the engine cylinder. This reflects that the engines with more CC can generate more powers than the other engines. CC can also be related as inversely proportional to the fuel consumption.


3⟩ Tell me the Significance Of Governor In Automobiles?

Governor is an important component of automobile engine. It is used to regulate the main speed of engine during the variations in loads. With the variations in the load, fuel supply has to be maintained. This task is performed by the governor. In the case of high load on the engine, speed decreases, hence fuel supply has to be increased and similarly when load decreases then the fuel supply has to be decreased.


5⟩ Explain me what Is Pan Hard Rod Or Track Bar?

A pan hard rod is a bar or tube running from one side of the axle to the frame on the other side of the vehicle. It helps the leaf spring in keeping the axle centered under the body during turning a corner.


12⟩ Comparing a Four wheel drive with Two wheel drive system either at front or rear and assuming an equal division of weight between the two axes a. From the point of view of traction front wheel drive is better than rear wheel drive b. Front wheel and rear wheel drive are equal c. Four wheel drive can always give more traction than either rear or front wheel drive d. Four wheel drive can utilize all the weight of the vehicle only at a particular road friction

c. Four wheel drive can always give more traction than either rear or front wheel drive


15⟩ Tell me the Reason That Why The Tyres Are Always Black In Colour. Is This Phenomena Related To The Heat Conduction?

Tyres colour is black due to the proportion of carbon mixed in it during the vulcanization of the rubber, to make the tyre shear resistant. Without vulcanization tyres won't be able to bear the friction heat and stress of the road. Thus carbon is responsible for giving tyres the prominent black colour. Adding of carbon prevents tyres from rapidly deteriorating because when ozone combines with the ultraviolet light from the sun. It attacks the polymer of the tyre.


16⟩ Tell me the Reason That Why Big Tyres Are Used In Rear Of Vehicles?

Large tyres provide larger surface area touching the ground, thus providing the more pulling power. Basically tractors have larger rear tyres because tractors don’t have to operate at higher speeds, thus getting the same ground speed with larger tyres. Moreover gear ratios don’t have to be as high as b/c of the tyres.


17⟩ Explain me how Will You Differentiate Between Two Stroke Engine And Four Stroke Engine?

In case of two stroke engine, rotation of crank shaft will be power stroke for every two rotations. During compression stroke, fuel will flow towards the crank case(suction) and during power stroke, exhaust will emit the burnt fuel through the transfer ports.

While in case of four stroke engine, rotation of crank shaft will be power stroke for every four rotation. Moreover, suction compression power and exhaust strokes are separate as there will be inlet and exhaust valves.


18⟩ Explain me what Is The Reason For Emitting The White Exhaust Smoke During Start Of The Vehicle? How Will You Prevent This?

The main cause of white smoke is water or anti-freeze entering the cylinder, so the engine starts to burn it with the fuel. That white smoke is nothing but steam.

Prevention measures: There are special gaskets i.e. head gaskets and primary gaskets that prevent the anti-freeze from entering into the cylinder area. This anti-freeze will produce a white steam which will accumulate at the tailpipe area.