Testing Methodology

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“Software Testing Methodology Interview Questions and Answers will guide us that Software Testing Methodology is the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline and the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline, so learn the techniques of Software Testing Methodology and get preparation for the job in Testing Methodology with the help of this Software Testing Methodology Interview Questions with Answers guide”

70 Testing Methodology Questions And Answers

61⟩ What is Scalability and Performance Testing?

Scalability and performance testing is the way to understand how the system will handle the load cause by many concurrent users. In a Web environment concurrent use is measured as simply the number of users making requests at the same time.

Performance testing is designed to measure how quickly the program completes a given task. The primary objective is to determine whether the processing speed is acceptable in all parts of the program. If explicit requirements specify program performance, then performance test are often performed as acceptance tests.

As a rule, performance tests are easy to automate. This makes sense above all when you want to make a performance comparison of different system conditions while using the user interface. The capture and automatic replay of user actions during testing eliminates variations in response times.

This type of test should be designed to verify response and excution time. Bottlenecks in a system are generally found during this stage of testing.


62⟩ What is the Load Testing?

The process of modeling application usage conditions and performing them against the application and system under test, to analyze the application and system and determine capacity, throughout speed, transation handling capabilities, scalabilities and reliability while under under stress.

This tyoe of test is designed to identify possible overloads to the system such as too many users signed on to the system, too many terminals on the network, and network system too slow.

Load testing a simulation of how a browser will respond to intense use by many individuals. The Web sessions can be recorded live and set up so that the test can be run during peak times and also during slow times. The following are two different types of load tests:

Single session - A single session should be set up on browser that will have one or multiple responses. The timeing of the data should be put in a file. After the test, you can set up a separate file for report analysis.

Multiple session - a multiple session should be developed on multiple browsers with one or multiple responses. The multivariate statistical methods may be needed for a complex but general performance model

When performing stress testing, looping transactions back on themselves so that the system stresses itself simulates stress loads and may be useful for finding synchronization problems and timing bugs, Web priority problems, memory bugs, and Windows problems using API. For example, you may want ot simulate an incoming message that is then put out on a looped-back line; this in turn will generate another incoming message. The nyou can use another system of comparable size to create the stress load.

Memory leaks are often found under stress testing. A memory leak occurs when a test leaves allocated memory behind and does not correctly return the memory to the memory allocation scheme. The test seems to run correctly, but after several iteration available memory is reduced until the system fails.

Peak Load and Testing Parameters:

Determining your peak load is important before beginning the assessment of the Web site test. It may mean more than just using user requests per second to stress the system. There should be a combination of determinants such as requests per second , processor time, and memory usage. There is also the consideration of the type of information that is on your Web page from graphics and code processing, such as scripts, to ASP pages. Then it is important to determine what is fast and what is slow for your system. The type of connection can be a critical component here, such as T1 or T3 versus a modem hookup. After you have selected your threshold, you can stress your system to additional limits.

As a tester you need to set up test parameters to make sure you can log the number of users coming into and leaving the test. This should be started in a small way and steadily increased. The test should also begin by selecting a test page that may not have a large amount of graphics and steadily increasing the complexity of the test by increasing the number of graphics and image requests. Keep in mind that images will take up additional bandwidth and resources on the server but do not really have a large impact on the server's processor.

Another important item to remember is that you need to account for the length of time the user will spend surfing each page. As you test, you should set up a log to determine the approximate time spend on each page, whether it is 25 or 30 seconds. It may be recorded that each user spends at least 30 seconds on each page, and that will produce a heightened response for the server. As the request is queued, and this will be analyzed as the test continues.


63⟩ Explain Parallel Testing Technique

Usage " To ensure that the processing of new application (new version) is consistent with respect to the processing of previous application version.

Objectives " Conducting redundant processing to ensure that the new version or application performs correctly.

" Demonstrating consistency and inconsistency between 2 versions of the application.

How to Use " Same input data should be run through 2 versions of same application system.

" Parallel testing can be done with whole system or part of system (segment).

When to use " When there is uncertainty regarding correctness of processing of new application where the new and old version are similar.

" In financial applications like banking where there are many similar applications the processing can be verified for old and new version through parallel testing.

Examples " Operating new and old version of a payroll system to determine that the paychecks from both systems are reconcilable.

" Running old version of application to ensure that the functions of old system are working fine with respect to the problems encountered in the new system.


64⟩ What is Load/Volume Test?

Load/volume tests study how a program handles large amounts of data, excessive calculations, and excessive processing. These tests do not necessarily have to push or exceed upper functional limits. Load/volume tests can, and usually must, be automated.

Focus of Load/Volume Tesing

* Pushing through large amounts of data with extreme processing demands.

* Requesting many processes simulateously.

* Repeating tasks over a long period of time

Load/volume tests, which involve extreme conditions, are normally run after the execution of feature-level tests, which prove that a program functions correctly under normal conditions.


65⟩ What is Web Capacity Testing Load and Stress?

The performance of the load or stress test Web site should be monitored with the following in mind:

* The load test should be able to support all browser

* The load test should be able to support all Web server.

* The tool should be able to simulate up 500 users or playback machines

* The tool should be able to run on WIndows NT, Linux, Solaris, and most Unix variants.

* There should be a way to simulate various users at different connection speeds.

* After the tests are run, you should be able to report the transactions, URL, and number of users who visited the site.

* The test cases should be asssembled in a like fashion to set up test suites.

* There should be a way to test the different server and port addresses.

* There should be a way to account for the user's cookies.


66⟩ What is The Mock Test?

It is a good idea to set up s mock test before you begin your actual test. This is a way to measure the server's stressd performance. As you progress with your stress testing, you can set up a measurement of metrics to determine the efficiency of the test.

After the initial test, you can determine the breaking point for the server. It may be a processor problem or even a memory problem. You need to be able to check your log to determine the average amount of time that it takes your provessor to perform the test. Running graphics or even ASP pages can cause processor problems and a limitation every time you run your stress test.

Memory tends to be a problem with the stress test. This may be due to a memary leak or lack of memory. You need to log and monitor the amount of disk capacity during the stress test. As mentioned earlier, the bandwidth can account for the slow down of the processing of the Web site speed. If the test hanges and there is a large waiting period, your processor usage is too low to handle the a,ount of stress on the system.

Simulate Resources

It is important to be able to run system in a high-stress format so that you can actually simulate the resources and understand how to handle a specific load. For example, a bank transaction processing system may be designed to process up to 150 transactions per second, whereas an operating system may be designed to handle up to 200 separate terminals. The different tests need to be designed to ensure that the system can process the expected load. This type of testing usually involves planning a series of tests where the load is gradually increased to reflect the expected usage pattern. The stress tests can steadily increase the load on the system beyond the maximum design load until the system fails.

This type of testing has a dual function of testing the system for failure and looking for a combination of events that occur when a load is placed on the server. Stress testing can then determine if overloading the system results in loss of data or user sevice to the customers The use of stress testing is particularly relevant to an ecommerce system with Web database.


67⟩ What is the Automated Testing?

Automated testing is as simple as removing the "human factor" and letting the computer do the thinking. This can be done with integrated debug tests, to much more intricate processes. The idea of the these tests is to find bugs that are often very challenging or time intensive for human testers to find. This sort of testing can save many man hours and can be more "efficient" in some cases. But it will cost more to ask a developer to write more lines of code into the game (or an external tool) then it does to pay a tester and there is always the chance there is a bug in the bug testing program. Reusability is another problem; you may not be able to transfer a testing program from one title (or platform) to another. And of course, there is always the "human factor" of testing that can never truly be replaced.

Other successful alternatives or variation: Nothing is infallible. Realistically, a moderate split of human and automated testing can rule out a wider range of possible bugs, rather than relying solely on one or the other. Giving the testere limited access to any automated tools can often help speed up the test cycle.


69⟩ When testing a Access database?

* If the database is creating Web pages from the datbase to a URL, is the information correct and updated? If the pages are not dynamic or Active Server pages, they will not update automatically.

* If the tables in the database are linked to another database, make sure that all the links are active and giving reevant information.

* Are the fields such as zip code, phone numbers, dates, currency, and social security number formateed properly?

* If there are formulas in the database, do they work? How will they take care of updates if numbers change (for example, updating taxes)?

* Do the forms populate the correct tables?

* Is the database secure?


70⟩ Other important Database and security feature

* Credite Card Transaction

* Shopping Carts

* Payment Transaction Security

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

SSL is leading security protocol on the Internet.

When an SSL session is started, the server sends its publice key to the browser, which the browser uses to send a randomly generated secret key back to the server to have a secret key exchange for that session.

SSL is a protocol that is submitted to the WWW consortium (W3C) working group on security for consideration as a standard security hanhshake that is used to initiate the TCP/IP connection. This handshake results in the client and server agreeing on the level of security that they will use, and this will fulfill any authentication requirements for the connection. SSL's role is to encrypt and decrypt the byte stream of the application protocol being used. This means the all the inofrmation in both the HTTP request and the HTTP response are fully encrypted, including the URL the client is requesting, any submitted form contents (such as credit card numbers), anty HTTP access authorization information (user names and passwords), and all the data returned from the server to the client.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

TLS is a majo security standard on the internet. TLS is backward compatible with SSL and use Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption.