Volunteer Coordinator

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“Volunteer Coordinator related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Volunteer Coordinator. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

35 Volunteer Coordinator Questions And Answers

2⟩ Explain me what are your motivations for event planning?

What motivates you and why have you chosen this career path? Employers want to know if you will be able to deal with the less than glamorous side – whether that’s long hours or a huge workload – and that you won’t lose interest when the going gets tough. We all need to pay the bills but why have you decided on an event planning career specifically?


3⟩ Can you explain me what’s your proudest career achievement to date?

Seemingly innocent and of course you need to grasp this opportunity to highlight your strengths and showcase your portfolio. At the same time don’t forget one important aspect – giving credit to others. While you may have managed or planned a successful event, chances are you didn’t do it alone so they are looking for you to acknowledge teamwork and give credit where it’s due, while also highlighting your own skillset.


4⟩ Please explain me about a time when you led a group of people in a business assignment?

The interviewer wants to hear about a positive experience you have had with leadership. Think about a time when you led a group either in the work environment or on a business class assignment when you were really proud of the outcome! Start off by giving the interviewer a high-level overview of what you were leading, and share that you enjoyed the experience. Discuss the positive outcome that the group had, and explain that you would gladly lead again!


5⟩ Tell us how did you come to find out about our company and what do you know about us?

This can be a great way to stand out from other applicants and demonstrate initiative. Almost every company will have a website, Facebook page, Instagram account, or some sort of digital footprint. Spend a bit of time doing some online research:

☛ If they have a website, check out their “About us” or “Culture/Mission/Vision” pages.

☛ Who are some of the principal people who work there? Who are the founders?

☛ What sorts of things does this company care about? Do they donate to a particular cause or charity? Which one(s)?

☛ What are their core values? Which of their core values resonate with you?

☛ Has the company been in the news recently or have they won any awards (Social Media can be a great place to find this information).


6⟩ Tell us what are your weaknesses as Volunteer Coordinator?

Another tricky one. The purpose of this question is to see how you view and evaluate yourself.

One the one hand, if you suggest you don’t have any weaknesses, your interviewer will almost certainly see you as a lair, egotistical, or both.

Don’t fall into the trap of trying to present a positive skill in disguise as a weakness, like “I work too hard” or “I am a perfectionist”. Any experienced interviewer will see through this in a heartbeat.


7⟩ Explain me about yourself. What do you like to do in your spare time, outside of work?

Often interviews will start with an “easy” question to encourage you to relax. However, the way you answer a question like this also gives a good initial insight into the type of person you are. The important thing is that you show that you are an interesting and active individual, with a passion for life. Not having any hobbies to share or saying something like “watching TV” can suggest that you are quite passive or uninspiring. On the other hand if you have a memorable or quirky hobby or a number of things you like to do in your spare time, this can count in your favour as it may be memorable to the panel and shows your zest for life.


8⟩ Can you tell us what is your least favourite event genre to work on and why?

Asking about your favourite event genre is easy but asking about the events you are least interested in gives insight into what parts of event planning you dislike and also helps to see if you are a good match for the job. In preparing for the interview you should have been reading up on the company and getting as much background information as possible. It would be a big blooper if the organization runs a lot of conferences and you reveal that you hate planning conferences and think that all conferences are boring.

Whatever answer you give get specific about why you don’t like a specific type of event but always end on a positive such as; “but if I was working on a project I would always work to a high standard, whether or not the event type is my preference”. Also remember that you may be describing a project they have in mind so try to let them know that while it isn’t your favourite, it wouldn’t hinder your ability to get it done.


9⟩ Tell me are you comfortable asking people for money?

Absolutely! Fundraising is all about asking people for money in unique ways, and you are a pro at it to be in the field! Tell the interviewer that fundraising is asking people for money, and this is often done in outside of the box ways. Share that you enjoy collecting money to fundraise for whatever organization you are a part of, and you look forward to doing so for this company.


10⟩ Please explain have you worked on multiple projects and events at once? How do you deal with it?

Most event planners juggle multiple event projects at once and are skilled at multitasking. What the interview panel are looking to hear is your attitude towards a larger workload and whether you find it easy or hard to deal with multiple deadlines. Chances are you will be needing to draw on this skill again in the job role you are being interviewed for.

Time management is one of the most important aspects to meeting deadlines and staying on track. Do you have an organisational program that you use? How do you ensure that you stay on task and meet the required deadlines? This is about specifics, draw on previous examples if you can.


11⟩ Tell me what are your salary expectations as Volunteer Coordinator?

Many consider this question to be a loaded gun – dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced. Often times, an interviewee will start talking salary before they’ve had an opportunity to illustrate their skill set and value making any sort of leverage valueless. Here, knowledge is power, as salary often comes down to negotiation. Do some research into your industry to establish base rates of pay based on seniority and demand but keep in mind – your employer is hiring you for what they believe you are worth, and how much benefit they feel you will provide.


12⟩ Basic Volunteer Coordinator Job Interview Questions

☛ How long have you been attending ABC Church?

☛ Please tell me how you learned of this volunteer position.

☛ Tell me why you would like to volunteer for ABC Church.

☛ Why are are interested in this particular volunteer position?

☛ Can you give me an example of another volunteer position you had and the responsibilities you had in that position?

☛ Do you have any physical limitations for jobs that require physical activity?

☛ Tell me how you typically resolve conflict.

☛ What are some tasks that you enjoy doing?

☛ What are some tasks that you would prefer not to do?

☛ What hobbies do you have?

☛ What do you do for a living?

☛ How would your friends and family describe you?

☛ When can you begin your volunteer job?

☛ Do you have any questions for me?


15⟩ Tools, news & tech based Volunteer Coordinator Job Interview Questions

☛ What event technology/software do you use/prefer now? What new event technology are you excited to try?

☛ What marketing technology do you use to promote events? How do you manage your social media, advertising, and email campaigns?

☛ How do you stay up-to-date with the event industry?


17⟩ Technical Volunteer Coordinator Job Interview Questions

☛ Describe a time you dealt with an argument between volunteers

☛ Recall an instance in your time as a volunteer when you found it difficult to stay motivated. What did you do? What do you think a volunteer coordinator should have done?

☛ Tell me about a time you had to work while being short staffed. How did you manage?

☛ Describe a project/event you coordinated successfully


19⟩ Professional Volunteer Coordinator Job Interview Questions

☛ How would you encourage diversity among volunteers?

☛ How would you promote the recognition of volunteers’ work in the community?

☛ Imagine one of the most committed volunteers tells you they want to quit. What do you say?

☛ You will need to work with people who don’t receive any compensation for what they do. How do you motivate/reward them?

☛ Imagine you interview a volunteer who seems a nice, outgoing and enthusiastic person. Yet you find that they lack time-management and organizational skills. What do you do?

☛ If you didn’t have enough volunteers, would you take any person who applied? What would it take for you to refuse a volunteer?


20⟩ Fresh Volunteer Coordinator Job Interview Questions

☛ How would you rate yourself as a leader?

☛ Do you find our mission important and why?

☛ How does your experience make you right for this role?

☛ What’s your experience with databases? How would you use them to recruit volunteers?

☛ What system would you use to keep track of volunteers?

☛ Are you familiar with background checks? When would it be necessary to conduct one?

☛ What’s your experience in training volunteers/employees?

☛ What type of software do you think a volunteer coordinator needs? Have you used any in the past?

☛ What do you need to know to create a schedule for volunteers?