Jnr PHP/Codeigniter Developer

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“Jnr PHP/Codeigniter Developer Frequently Asked Questions in various Jnr PHP/Codeigniter Developer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

61 Jnr PHP/Codeigniter Developer Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell us what helpers in CodeIgniter are and how you can load a helper file?

In CodeIgniter, helpers are group of function in a particular category that assist you to perform specific functions. In CodeIgniter, you will find many helpers like URL helpers- helping in creating links, Text helpers- perform various text formatting routines, Cookies- helpers set and read cookies. You can load helper file by using command $this->load->helper (‘name’) ;


2⟩ Do you know what is inhibitor in CodeIgniter?

For CodeIgniter, inhibitor is an error handler class, using the native PHP functions like set_exception_handler, set_error_handler, register_shutdown_function to handle parse errors, exceptions, and fatal errors.


4⟩ Do you know how can you enable error reporting in PHP?

Check if “display_errors” is equal “on” in the php.ini or declare “ini_set('display_errors', 1)” in your script.

Then, include “error_reporting(E_ALL)” in your code to display all types of error messages during the script execution.

Enabling error messages is very important especially during the debugging process as one can instantly get the exact line that is producing the error and can see also if the script in general is behaving correctly.


5⟩ Do you know what are SQL Injections, how do you prevent them and what are the best practices?

SQL injections are a method to alter a query in a SQL statement send to the database server. That modified query then might leak information like username/password combinations and can help the intruder to further compromise the server.

To prevent SQL injections, one should always check & escape all user input. In PHP, this is easily forgotten due to the easy access to $_GET & $_POST, and is often forgotten by inexperienced developers. But there are also many other ways that users can manipulate variables used in a SQL query through cookies or even uploaded files (filenames). The only real protection is to use prepared statements everywhere consistently.

Do not use any of the mysql_* functions which have been deprecated since PHP 5.5 ,but rather use PDO, as it allows you to use other servers than MySQL out of the box. mysqli_* are still an option, but there is no real reason nowadays not to use PDO, ODBC or DBA to get real abstraction. Ideally you want to use Doctrine or Propel to get rid of writing SQL queries all together and use object-relational mapping which binds rows from the database to objects in the application.


8⟩ Do you know what is CodeIgniter?

Codeigniter is an open source framework for web application. It is used to develop websites on PHP. It is loosely based on MVC pattern, and it is easy to use compare to other PHP framework.


10⟩ Do you know what PSR Standards do you follow? Why would you follow a PSR standard?

One should folow a PSR because coding standards often vary between developers and companies. This can cause issues when reviewing or fixing another developer’s code and finding a code structure that is different from yours. A PSR standard can help streamline the expectations of how the code should look, thus cutting down confusion and in some cases, syntax errors.


14⟩ Tell me why would you use === instead of ==?

If you would want to check for a certain type, like an integer or boolean, the === will do that exactly like one would expect from a strongly typed language, while == would convert the data temporarily and try to match both operand’s types. The identity operator (===) also performs better as a result of not having to deal with type conversion. Especially when checking variables for true/false, one should avoid using == as this would also take into account 0/1 or other similar representation.


15⟩ Do you know what is the difference between GET and POST?

☛ GET displays the submitted data as part of the URL, during POST this information is not shown as it’s encoded in the request.

☛ GET can handle a maximum of 2048 characters, POST has no such restrictions.

☛ GET allows only ASCII data, POST has no restrictions, binary data are also allowed.

Normally GET is used to retrieve data while POST to insert and update.

Understanding the fundamentals of the HTTP protocol is very important to have for a PHP developer, and the differences between GET and POST are an essential part of it.


16⟩ Tell me why is there a need to configure the URL routes?

Changing the URL routes has some benefits like

☛ From SEO point of view, to make URL SEO friendly and get more user visits

☛ Hide some URL element such as a function name, controller name, etc. from the users for security reasons

☛ Provide different functionality to particular parts of a system


18⟩ Explain me what is the default URL pattern used in Codeigniter framework?

Codeigniter framework URL has four main components in default URL pattern. First we have the server name and next we have the controller class name followed by controller function name and function parameters at the end. Codeigniter can be accessed using the URL helper.

For example http://servername/controllerName/controllerFunction/parameter1/parameter2.


19⟩ Explain me what are Traits?

Traits are a mechanism that allows you to create reusable code in languages like PHP where multiple inheritance is not supported. A Trait cannot be instantiated on its own.

It’s important that a developer knows the powerful features of the language (s)he is working on, and Trait is one of such features.


20⟩ Tell me what does MVC stand for and what does each component do?

MVC stands for Model View Controller.

The controller handles data passed to it by the view and also passes data to the view. It’s responsible for interpretation of the data sent by the view and dispersing that data to the appropriate models awaiting results to pass back to the view. Very little, if any business logic should be occurring in the controller.

The model’s job is to handle specific tasks related to a specific area of the application or functionality. Models will communicate directly with your database or other storage system and will handle business logic related to the results.

The view is passed data by the controller and is displayed to the user.

Overall, this question is worth knowing as the MVC design pattern has been used a lot in the last few years and is a very good design pattern to know. Even with more advanced flows that go down to repositories and entities, they still are following the same basic idea for the Controller and View. The Model is typically just split out into multiple components to handle specific tasks related to database data, business logic etc. The MVC design pattern helps draw a better understanding of what is being used, as a whole, in the industry.