101⟩ Do you know how to delete a file from the system?
Unlink() deletes the given file from the file system.
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Unlink() deletes the given file from the file system.
Setcookie("PHP", "IQA", time()+3600);
mysql_fetch_assoc function Fetch a result row as an associative array, While mysql_fetch_array() fetches an associative array, a numeric array, or both
The functions are getimagesize() for size, imagesx() for width and imagesy() for height.
The PHP-openssl extension provides several cryptographic operations including generation and verification of digital signatures.
$$var2 contains the value 10.
Exception::getMessage lets us getting the Exception message and Exception::getLine lets us getting the line in which the exception occurred.
The two most common ways to start and finish a PHP script are:
<?php [ — PHP code—- ] ?> and
<? [— PHP code —] ?>
count() is used to count all elements in an array, or something in an object
Associative arrays are arrays that use string keys is called associative arrays.
PHP means PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
mysql_affected_rows() return the number of entries affected by an SQL query.
The function func_num_args() is used to give the number of parameters passed into a function.
Yes, we use the urlencode() function to be able to protect special characters.
No, a parent constructor have to be called explicitly as follows:
The strip_tags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.
To access the data sent this way, you use the $_POST array.
Imagine you have a form field called ‘var’ on the form, when the user clicks submit to the post form, you can then access the value like this:
in_array used to checks if a value exists in an array
The action attribute determines where to send the form-data in the form submission.