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“Website Developer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Website Developer. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

80 Website Developer Questions And Answers

21⟩ Tell us what industry sites and blogs do you read regularly?

This question can give you an idea of how in-tune they are with the latest industry trends and technologies, as well as how passionate they are about webdev. It'll help separate the people who do it as a career AS WELL as a hobby from those who might simply be in it for the big developer paychecks.


22⟩ Explain me the basic structure of a MIME multipart message when used to transfer different content type parts. Provide a simple example?

A simple example of a MIME multipart message is as follows:

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=frontier

This is a message with multiple parts in MIME format.


Content-Type: text/plain

This is the body of the message.


Content-Type: application/octet-stream

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64




Each MIME message starts with a message header. This header contains information about the message content and boundary. In this case Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=frontier means that message contains multiple parts where each part is of different content type and they are separated by --frontier as their boundary.

Each part consists of its own content header (zero or more Content- header fields) and a body. Multipart content can be nested. The content-transfer-encoding of a multipart type must always be 7bit, 8bit, or binary to avoid the complications that would be posed by multiple levels of decoding. The multipart block as a whole does not have a charset; non-ASCII characters in the part headers are handled by the Encoded-Word system, and the part bodies can have charsets specified if appropriate for their content-type.


23⟩ Tell me what is CORS? How does it work?

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows many resources (e.g., fonts, JavaScript, etc.) on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated. It’s a mechanism supported in HTML5 that manages XMLHttpRequest access to a domain different.

CORS adds new HTTP headers that provide access to permitted origin domains. For HTTP methods other than GET (or POST with certain MIME types), the specification mandates that browsers first use an HTTP OPTIONS request header to solicit a list of supported (and available) methods from the server. The actual request can then be submitted. Servers can also notify clients whether “credentials” (including Cookies and HTTP Authentication data) should be sent with requests.


25⟩ Tell me what Is The Difference Between Undefined Value And Null Value?

<undefined> Vs. <null> value.

1. A variable will have <undefined> value if it has declaration but not assigned any value.

2. A variable will yield a <null> value if assigned with null.

3. <undefined> is a type itself whreeas <null> is an object.

4. <undefined> value is set via JavaScript engine whereas null value is set directly in the code.


26⟩ Tell me what Is Z-Index And How Does It Work?

The z-index is a CSS property which defines the stack order of web elements. Higher order elements will appear before any lower order element.

Note – The z-index only applies to the positioned elements. For example, position:absolute, position:relative, or position:fixed.

div {

position: absolute;

left: 10px;

top: 10px;

z-index: -1;



27⟩ Explain me what Are Media Queries In CSS3 And Why Do You Use Them?

Media queries are one of the latest features of CSS3 used to define responsive styles for devices of different shapes and sizes.

They are the powerful CSS tool which makes it easy to create responsive design for tablets, desktop, mobiles devices. They can help adjusting the Height, Width, Viewport, Orientation and Resolution.

@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {

body {

background-color: #ffffff;




29⟩ Tell us how Does CSS3 Differ From CSS?

CSS3 is the most recent version of CSS. It has introduced a bunch of new tags to give better user experience. Some of the features are rounded corners, animation, custom layout and media queries.


30⟩ Tell me few ways you can reduce page load time?

You can do following things to reduce the page load time

☛ Reduce image size

☛ Remove unnecessary widgets

☛ HTTP compression

☛ Placing CSS at the top and script reference at the bottom or in external files

☛ Reduce lookups

☛ Minimize redirects

☛ Caching,


31⟩ Do you know what is DTD (Document Type Declaration)? Mention what is the difference between CDATA and PCDATA in DTD?

A DTD means Document Type Definition (DTD) which defines the structure, legal elements and attributes of an XML document.

☛ PCDATA: A PCDATA is a Parsed Character Data. XML parsers usually parse all the text in an XML document.

☛ CDATA: While CDATA is an Unparsed Character Data, the term CDATA is used about text data that should not be parsed by the XML parser.


36⟩ Do you know the purpose of each of the HTTP request types when used with a RESTful web service?

The purpose of each of the HTTP request types when used with a RESTful web service is as follows:

☛ GET: Retrieves data from the server (should only retrieve data and should have no other effect).

☛ POST: Sends data to the server for a new entity. It is often used when uploading a file or submitting a completed web form.

☛ PUT: Similar to POST, but used to replace an existing entity.

☛ PATCH: Similar to PUT, but used to update only certain fields within an existing entity.

☛ DELETE: Removes data from the server.

☛ TRACE: Provides a means to test what a machine along the network path receives when a request is made. As such, it simply returns what was sent.

☛ OPTIONS: Allows a client to request information about the request methods supported by a service. The relevant response header is Allow and it simply lists the supported methods. (It can also be used to request information about the request methods supported for the server where the service resides by using a * wildcard in the URI.)

☛ HEAD: Same as the GET method for a resource, but returns only the response headers (i.e., with no entity-body).

☛ CONNECT: Primarily used to establish a network connection to a resource (usually via some proxy that can be requested to forward an HTTP request as TCP and maintain the connection). Once established, the response sends a 200 status code and a “Connection Established” message.


38⟩ Tell me some tips you can use to reduce the load time of a web application that you have written?

To decrease the load time of a web application you have to follow the following tips

☛ Optimize images to no longer than screen resolution and save it as a compressed file

☛ Eliminate all JavaScript files to reduce the amount of transferable data

☛ Combine & Mininify all CSS and JS and call them in footer

☛ Defer or Asynch JS Files


39⟩ Tell me what Are Various Elements That Provide Better Structuring In HTML5?

Following HTML5 elements focus on improving the structuring.

☛ <article> – This element allows to specify an article.

☛ <aside> – It allows to view content other than the page content.

☛ <bdi> – It lets a part of text getting formatted in a different direction from other text.

☛ <command> – It displays a button element which processes a command upon user action.

☛ <details> – It adds additional details that a user can show or hide.

☛ <dialog> – It initializes a dialog box or popup window.

☛ <figure> – This element can show illustrations, diagrams, photos, and code listings.

☛ <figcaption> – It adds a caption for the image specified by a <figure> element.

☛ <footer> – This tag appends a footer to a document.

☛ <header> – This tag inserts a header into a document.

☛ <hgroup> – If a page includes multiple headings, then this tag groups them into a set of <h1> to <h6> elements.


40⟩ Tell me how Do You Enable Pagination Using CSS3?

Making use of a <ul-li> structure, we can allow Pagination with CSS3.

<div class="main_container">

<div class="pagination">


<li><a href="#"></a></li>

<li><a href="#"></a></li>

<li class="active"><a href="#"></a></li>

<li><a href="#"></a></li>


