Good Employee

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“Good Employee job preparation guide for freshers and experienced candidates. Number of Good Employee frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many interviews”

35 Good Employee Questions And Answers

21⟩ Can I argue with other junior and senior employs?

Acceptance is the Key. Don't argue a lot, your company's policies is what your boss has to follow. So if you found something wrong, try to understand your boss's perspective, but without arguing. Use a good and quiet way to understand the problem point. You may just realize that things happen for a reason and not necessarily for a season. Policies are implemented for reasons of the good of the whole.


22⟩ Would you like to help others?

Everyone appreciates a helping hand every now and then. Do not hesitate in helping out others. This make the person establish friendly relations with the coworkers and keeps the office running smoothly which in turn is appreciated by the employers.


23⟩ Where to give credit?

Give credit where it is due. One of the most prevalent practices doing the rounds in offices today is stealing the credit of a job well done. A good employee will not only truthfully let the right co-worker have her credit but also share her own accolades with his team.


24⟩ Are you ethical?

Work rules are made to be followed. There is decorum of every place that ought to be kept. A good employee follows the policies of the company and inspires others to do so too.


25⟩ Are you honest?

A good employee is honest about his/her work and qualifications. Self criticism and willing to receive feedback (bad as good) is essential to become a good learner.


26⟩ Are you speak politely or not?

Being friendly and approachable will never harm. a good employee greets her co workers a 'good morning', says little courteous things like 'thank you' and 'you are welcome'. These things may appear insignificant but go a long way in establishing the person as favorite employee.


27⟩ Can I gossips on job?

The person should always remember that she came to the office to work, to make a career. Do not spread office gossip or rumors. Respect the privacy of the co workers. Safeguard and protect the confidential nature of office business and transactions.

If you are an employee who has just started out a career and joined a company, working/improving the right traits can help you in the long run. Knowing the best qualities of employees, may help you find a stronger foothold in the company and increase your chances of getting promotions and success.


28⟩ Should employ be A Hard worker?

There is no substitute to hard work. Although everyone seems to say that they work hard not many keep on working after being at the job for a while. So, one has to keep reminding oneself about the importance and significance of working hard as an employee.


29⟩ Who is A good employee?

A good employee is someone who is not a kiss ass to their boss. An employee who comes to work on time, an employee who is not conceited, love to go to school to learn something new and not to get free experience at work (when some employee pay thousands of $ just to be promoted). A good employee is not putting their-self up and gossiping of other employee.


30⟩ Are you disciplined and punctual?

Every boss loves a punctual, disciplined and conscientious employee. Time is money. Coming late to office, taking unnecessary breaks, procrastinating and leaving earlier than the usual hours cost money to the company. No employer will ever appreciate this.


31⟩ Can employ would be a team player?

Many companies consist of teams. Any company requires an effective team effort. An employer who can contribute is an ideal worker. Someone who is like a fish in the water (of the organization), who can perform well in a team will become a factor sooner or later.


32⟩ What makes a good employee - good?

If there is one thing that everyone can agree upon in the job market, it is that great employees are hard to come by. Whether you are an employee yourself and you feel like you are always pulling the weight of the other people in the office or if you are a boss who is wondering how you can actually get some people on board who can do the job, you know that great employees are at a premium. But what exactly makes an employee great? These ten top things are guides to bosses looking for greatness in a new hire and for employees trying to get noticed in the workplace and be the kind of employee who has the potential to move up in the company chain.


33⟩ Will employ would be Self-Motivated?

A good employee never hesitates of taking responsibility or a more responsible position. She also ready to work beyond the call of duty in order to meet goals or to solve problems, even if the job in discussion is not one of the regular works she is usually assigned.


34⟩ What do you mean by an employee having a will issue or a skill issue?

Will issue is when an employee is not interested in working or completing the task assigned, no matter how urgent or critical the situation is, the employee or team member will not perform or show productivity neither will give quality work.

Skill issue is when an employee is interested in working or performing the assigned task but is incapable of doing so, there can be many reasons:

1) not experienced

2) does not have knowledge or not trained

3) does not have certified

The skill issue employee can be trained and if given the correct direction they always perform and show their caiber and give better output


35⟩ How much communicate well is important?

Employers love to hire employees who have the ability to communicate well and express themselves in a clear manner, whether in writing or speaking. Inaccurate/inappropriate communication between employees can cause many problems to the company.