Salary Requirements

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“Basic Salary Requirements Frequently Asked Questions in various Salary Requirements job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

25 Salary Requirements Questions And Answers

1⟩ What does salary requirement mean?

It is one of those questions on a job application that is difficult to respond to. Rarely does an online application give you an opportunity to say that you are willing to negotiate your compensation and benefits package.


2⟩ Tell me about the compensation beyond salary?

It is often easier said than done but you should sometimes look beyond the salary number and examine the total compensation package. It is possible the better job offer is not the one with the highest salary. See comparing two or more job offers.


6⟩ Tell me what is a career path?

Regardless of what you have been paid in the past, spend some time reviewing industry reports of salary ranges for people following your career path and especially those in the position you are seeking.


8⟩ Tell me about the on job applications?

Applications are tough because there is no way to skirt the question and if you leave it blank, some employers may not even consider you. In this case, it is always best to write something down.


9⟩ List some factors for determining your worth?

Some factors to determine your worth are given below:

☛ Your career path

☛ The industry of the employer

☛ The geographic location

☛ The demand for job-seekers

☛ Compensation beyond salary


10⟩ Why would you not tell us your salary requirements?

I think you have a good idea of what this position is worth to your company, and that is important information for me to know.

You can see the pattern, right? If you think you sound obnoxious or obstinate by not answering the question, think of how he/she feels asking the question more than once.


11⟩ What would happen if the interviewer asks about your salary requirements two to three times?

You can see the pattern, right? If you think you sound obnoxious or obstinate by not answering the question, think of how he feels asking the question more than once.

Also, by the time the interviewer has asked two or three times, the interviewer will know that hiring you means having a tough negotiator on his team is another reason to make you a good salary offer.


13⟩ List a few tips about the on job applications?

A few tips about the on job applications:

☛ Consider how competitive the market is for your skills and let that inform the number you put down. If the market is saturated then you do not have as much to leverage. Do your research to understand how in-demand your skills are and what the typical compensation package looks like.

☛ Look at your current salary and typical salary progression for the industry you are in. If you are switching industries, look at the progression within the new industry. You may have to aim lower or higher depending on what you are looking to transition into.

☛ Determine your walk away number and put down a salary 10-15% higher. That way, you know you will be okay with the lowest salary offered to you.

☛ If there is an opportunity to list a range, do so but make sure the lower end of the range is a number you're comfortable with.


15⟩ How much had you been earning monthly from your previous job?

This position is not exactly the same as my last job. So let us discuss what my responsibilities would be here and then determine a fair salary for this job. It is hard to argue with words like "fair" and "responsibilities", you are earning respect with this one.


16⟩ What is the rule of salary negotiation?

The first rule of salary negotiation is to avoid discussing numbers until the company has extended an offer. This is when you have the most power to negotiate but as any job seeker will tell you, this is no simple feat. Recruiters typically try to pull this information out of you as early as the initial phone screen, if they did not already request your salary requirements as part of the application process.


17⟩ Can applicant should give volunteer information about his salary?

Whenever possible, do not volunteer information about your salary history or your salary expectations or requirements in your cover letter, resume or during a job interview. Information is power in job-hunting and your goal should always be to hold on to your power as long as possible by delaying discussions about salary as long as possible.


18⟩ Tell me about a few strategies to respond to salary requirements?

There are a number of strategies, each with its own level of risk:

provide your salary requirement. Provide the employer with what the company wants, but realize that you run a strong risk of being screened out if you are too far above or below the range the employer has in mind for the position.

Ask for a wide salary range. Even with some basic research, you should be able to determine a salary range for the position. As long as part of your range overlaps with the employer's range, you should be okay. But what if your highest amount matches their lowest amount? Yup, you will be stuck at the bottom of their pay scale. But, assuming you give a range that is acceptable to you, you should be okay. It may be better to state something like, "a salary in the mid $40's."

state that you expect competitive or fair compensation. Put the ball back in the employer's court by informing the company in your cover letter that you expect a competitive salary. The danger? If the employer doesn't offer a competitive salary -- or is a stickler for having an actual salary request -- you've eliminated yourself from being considered for the position.

Express your salary flexibility. Similar to the last strategy, simply state in your cover letter that you are flexible about salary. The danger is again not providing an actual salary request -- and that alone could eliminate you from consideration for the position.

state that you would prefer to discuss salary in an interview, but make sure to add that you don't think salary will be a problem. The danger is again not providing an actual salary request -- and that alone could eliminate you from consideration for the position.

Give your salary history. Ignore the request for a specific amount and simply show your salary history with the idea that your next job offer should be reasonably higher than your current salary. The problem here is that you have not provided the information the employer seeks, and you may be eliminated.

Ignore the salary request. Many people believe that employers have no right making a salary request so early in the process and simply ignore the request. The most likely occurrence? If you ignore the request, your application will most likely be ignored as well.


19⟩ List some phrases which you can use to deflect questions about salary requirements?

Here are a couple phrases you can use to deflect questions about your salary requirements:

☛ I am sure we can come to a good salary agreement if I am the right person for the job, so let us first agree on whether I am.

☛ I have some idea of the market but for a moment let us start with your range. What do you have budgeted for the position?